

The Girl With A Heart Of Scales
Once Apon a Time there was a young girl who always dreamed of playing in the woods next to her home, This little girl did not know of the magic and amazing quest she was about to go on. She would go to school every day and play with her younger brother and after school they would play pretend magic in there rooms . One day the little boy saw somthing shine into his window leaving a bright and colorful glimmer, The boy told his sister so they both went outside to check it out . When they both went outside they couldn't find where the object was so they split up so the brother was looking for it while the sister told him where to stand . "I found it!" he yelled, so the sister came running down when she came down she found her brother in complete shock with his eyes and mouth wide open she had looked at him and could not believe her eyes. It was a red and yellow egg, the egg was very warm and very big , it took both kids to lift it up to move it onto a hay pile. The brother and sister went to bed like any normal night . When they wake up to find the egg cracked open with a baby pet, they were so happy to have such a cute and playful baby but little did the girl know the pet would grow into a dragon. The brother and sister would have to go to school so they had to leave but the sister called in sick and the brother went to school. The baby dragon felt the need to always be with the girl after that point, the sister grew up with the dragon and remained hidden from the world. Until one gloomy day the girl and the dragon went to go on a ride around the woods next thing she knows the girl gets hit in the chest with an arrow she and the dragon has no idea where it came from or who shot it. The girl got so worried she told the dragon to go home and that it's safer there, she told the dragon she would be home soon . The dragon left her there while she painfully walked to find the peraon who would hurt her or the dragon . She then wonders why her pain stopped, she grabbed the arrow and without any pain or problem took out the arrow. She felt better then ever and had no reason or way to explain what was happening, She then when to her great grandfather's whom was told to be an old dragon trainer. When she got there he almost instantly knew somthing amazing has happened to her, at first he didn't know how to explain how she has no pain after being shot with an arrow. The girl was starting to worry that it may not be a good thing after all , she says "if it's not normal for people then why do I have it?" So she then went home and left with her dragon forever only having the one memory her grandfather had told to several villages. She was know as the Girl Who Had A Heart Of Scales ❤
© SavageQueen