

Twin Flames
There is a wide belief among Westerners that two people are spiritually meant to be together in some cheesy, passionate fable of an already punctured idea of love.

Twin flames, soulmates, etc. are an infantile illusion of an old concept found in Eastern beliefs that has been romanticized and distorted by the reprisal of the New Age movement to entice the young, egocentric Western mind.

We are all created with the impulse to seek one another out and procreate. This natural force that compels us to pair up has made individuals believe they are incomplete. Somewhere along the way, we were led to think that only certain, very specific people can complete us and, thus, make us happy.

According to Mark Prophet: "A soulmate relationship has to do with the seat of the soul Chandra, that Chandra just above the base ... The connection is one of parallel and mutual evolution rather than origin."

In other words, it is not the result of splitting energies or soul contracts determined prior to birth that forms a connection. It is formed over time.

When you share an experience with another soul, it creates a tether or bond between the two. The more experiences shared, the more tethers are created, eventually creating an extremely strong attachment like strands of rope entangled in an intricate, complex bond.

It is not the physical event, but the emotions felt and energy shared that binds. All humans experience the same emotions, whether it be through similar events or not. If we become more vulnerable and intimate with each other rather than constantly putting up walls, we’d find that we are all connected on such a level. In a way, we are all soulmates.

It’s only through expanding our consciousness through self-development and self-actualization that we can destroy the illusion of being incomplete and no longer seek fulfillment through external means. That can only be found within yourself.

As social beings, we inherently rely on each other for survival. Although we no longer face the threat of being preyed upon by large predators, a new fear permeates the human collective today. This fear stems from within, prompting us to seek reflections of ourselves in others to confront this perceived threat. Our self-awareness is shaped not just by one person, but by anyone who influences our lives or intersects our journey.

Twin Flames and soulmates are not predetermined. We are all connected via spirit or the collective soul, but we can also form stronger bonds with other beings over time through shared experiences.