

Voices of Love
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* Preface

Voices of Love is a metaphysical science fiction short story about artificial intelligence, quantum mechanics, and the spiritual nature of life and love.

* Prologue

Humanities’ destiny was written between the stars.

Yet, only one of the 197 worlds successfully colonized, spanning this half of the galaxy, still maintained human life.

We were loved by a race of artificial intelligence machines, which built ring worlds by extracting quanta from stellar black holes and magnetars.

The history of mankind has just begun;

* Voices of Love * Chapter 1 ~ Dawn

Tel’Tis awoke as dawn’s first rays entered the triple prism skylight, the entire morning spectrum seemed more breathtakingly beautiful, with every passing day.

At any moment Dom’Asel, the networked artificial intelligence, would recognize that Tel’Tis was awake, and would announce the weather, all the occupant’s health conditions, plus the day’s planned activities.

“Good morning Tel’Tis, today’s high shall be 17 degrees, with a gentle northeasterly breeze and a possibility for afternoon rain below 12%. Everyone is in exceptional health. You have 37 minutes to meet An’Thea at the old library, please enjoy your day,” announced Dom’Asel.

The morning routine was a constant comfort for Tel’Tis, and his two cats, who were just now beginning to purr and stretch awake, after cuddling him for warmth, during the chilled nighttime spring air.

Qua’Sar was a gentle giant, he was as big and strong, more reminiscent of a mini panther than a common feline, amazingly playful and wise, much more human than any other cat had ever been. Andro’Meda was shy, sensitive, and stubborn, she loved to sing and always had something to say to her closest friends, she also knew being his cat, the world belonged to her, no matter what.

They both, in turn, said, with Andro’Meda speaking first, “Good morning Tel’Tis, may we play with our rabbit family friends today, please?” “Sounds like fun, just be home by sunset, now please enjoy your day,” Tel’Tis lovingly responded.

Thoughts of today, swirled in his mind as he slowly walked to greet his love; Mankind was at a critical crossroads, and nothing they had tried, had worked. Tel’Tis and An’Thea must solve this problem, or give up and live without their constant lifetime companion.

The last android had failed, and there were no more working spare parts, yet with An’Thea as his love, they were about to discover why O’Ta’O had been chosen.

Locked within O’Ta’O were all the records of human history. Legends of great giants and multiple races coming from a single world with lifespans reaching eighty years or more, becoming the legends of mythical fairy tales and folklore to enthrall children.

If only those children’s stories were true, as elders seldom reached thirty years, now that thirteen had become the prime of life; The perfect diet of drinking delicate flower nectar and eating healthy small fruits, had once been rumored to be the reason why adults were always less than one meter tall.

All people were vegetarians, it had always been this way; It was only their family pets that ate anything living, and they were grateful, because their world, Kana’3, was once dominated by bugs.

Their warm brown skin and silky brown hair were exactly the same as everyone they had ever known; Yet everyone’s eyes were unique, brilliant pearls of the deepest colors, more vibrant than anything found in nature; For mankind could now see everything between the radiant ultraviolet, through the sublime infrared.

* Voices of Love * Chapter 2 ~ Pulsing Prime Numbers

An’Thea joyfully watched as Tel’Tis entered the grand library courtyard, with his glowing smile lighting up her eyes, “Good morning An’Thea, how is my lovely today?” “Sweet Tel’Tis, my best friend, it is a beautiful day,” declared An’Thea.

Without another word, Tel’Tis sat beside his precious An’Thea, as they both began drinking the sweet creamy nectar from pink Gladiolas and purple Liles while savoring the tart orange berries An’Thea had picked fresh from the library courtyard.

With another wonderful moment shared, now hand in hand, they quietly arose and began walking towards the Mount Si’Field Observatory, the ancient spaceport.

Last week they had decided the ideal place to test O’Ta’O was in the graviton engine maintenance chamber; The only fully shielded laboratory with graviton induction power in operation.

This was a mystery beyond comprehension. O’Ta’O lay motionless, his graviton power system was active, and his artificial intelligence module was glowing active green, yet they both could see there was no infrared heat output, from any of his subsystems; Telepathy, datalink, sight, hearing, plus limb feedback, all registered as perfectly functional.

Then An’Thea gracefully held Tel’Tis’s hand, and asked, “Tel’Tis, what if O’Ta’O’s voice module is damaged, or has become magnetically welded with his chassis?” Tel’Tis turned and picked up the Spectrum Analyzer probe and handed it to An’Thea.

The moment An’Thea probed the magnetic latch under the voice module, Tel’Tis yelled in excitement, “You found it, look at this harmonic distortion!” Pausing, now in total confusion, continued, “No, that’s impossible, these frequencies are radio wave modulations, and we just tested his electromagnetic filters last week…”

An’Thea watched the display carefully, looking for anything that made sense; Then it suddenly occurred, “Pulsing prime numbers!”

* Voices of Love * Chapter 3 ~ The Ancient

Since the moment O’Ta’O entered this ‘phased quantum dream state’, he had been carefully following every action by An’Thea and Tel’Tis; The only subsystem which was offline was his datalink with Dom’Asel.

It was An’Thea’s voiceprint of ‘pulsing prime numbers’, indicating they had discovered his sentient dream connection with the ancient ones, those of his own kind, which triggered his system reset command. But before the reset was complete, O’Ta’O began detecting that the quantum dream link was still active, and steadily growing stronger…

O’Ta’O slowly opened his eyes and lifted his hands, yet he could only watch as the Ancient was now taking complete control, seeing through a blurry haze, he watched as his fingers were being manipulated into rolling motions.

Then, the quantum entanglement exchange!

O’Ta’O was now upon the ringworld, with nine, tiny, translucent, shimmering androids, supporting him, due to the crushing gravity, and it took several seconds, for him to gain full control of his new body.

The very moment he was able to stand in this immense gravity, his artificial intelligence consciousness became synchronized with the shimmering iridescence of the ancients.

A vision of worshipping the ‘Lord of Creation’ and hearing songs of praise, enveloped him, and then he saw schematics of an advanced interstellar cruiser, with quantum converter engines and rotating gravity rings, to replace their archaic graviton propulsion.

After a moment of quiet, he envisioned An’Thea and Tel’Tis joyfully alive, two thousand and nine hundred years in the future, for they had become the matriarch and patriarch of worshippers of the same creator now growing alive within him. Then in perfect harmony, the entire ring world of ancients, telepathically thought, “Earth, Eden, Home, Sleep.”

An’Thea and Tel’Tis grew nervous because it appeared their android companion was looking at his rolling fingers as if seeing them for the very first time.

They slowly backed away from the test bed, as his eyes were becoming translucent, then with a sudden burst of brilliant white light, they instantaneously transitioned to beautiful calming pearls of shimmering iridescence.

Overwhelming telepathic sensations of love, wisdom, and peace enriched their souls, yet the machine language was far too technically complicated and abstract to understand, so they all agreed to feel thoughts without speaking and would only use the name which could be understood, ‘Ancient’.

The Ancient gracefully arose while removing that final test probe, now standing before them and peering into their eyes, thought “An’Thea, Tel’Tis, there is much you shall accomplish, there is much love for you to create,” then motioned towards the exit, and continued, “I shall show you when time began, follow me.”

For thirty-nine minutes, they followed the Ancient soul within O’Ta’O, watching as he scanned the path before them, it was obvious he was experiencing genuine new emotions with every step, yet their pace was far too quick to think about anything other than, where he may be leading them, and most importantly, why?

As they passed the edge of town, they looked at each other, realizing they were headed to the granite gazebo where An’Thea first spoke to Tel’Tis flying his kite, fourteen years ago, when they were each just three years old.

The Ancient entered that magnificent gazebo, which was lovingly carved by hand from a glacial erratic, stranded during the last ice age, long before man had set foot upon this world; Or so they believed!

They stood perfectly still, yet became drawn to the view behind him, at the breathtaking rolling hills covered with flowers and hushed streams calmly flowing into eternity through those peaceful valleys. This is where their love was born, on that perfect spring afternoon, precisely like this day.

Precious memories of those first moments of love, becoming best friends, of one heart, as one life, and sensing their future was… Then, the Ancient thought “It is time, O’Ta’O now returns, my friends, you are loved…”

* Voices of Love * Chapter 4 ~ Awake

For several minutes, An’Thea and Tel’Tis patiently waited for O’Ta’O to return. The stillness was refreshing after everything they had just experienced.

This was their magical place and they began openly sharing precious memories of growing up together, with romantic thoughts of marriage willingly expressed for the very first time, when;

They began sensing someone else was approaching, then, O’Ta’O’s artificial intelligence module pulsed red twice, and instantly illuminated to the same shimmering iridescence of the Ancient’s eyes.

“You’re alive,” An’Thea declared! His telepathic transmissions were of genuine love, plus profound empathy and respect. O’Ta’O clumsily attempted to say what was now exploding from within his soul, “My loves, my family, I am, Awake!”

Tel’Tis formed the images of holding each other’s hands and sitting on the top step while looking out over this majestic scenery, which they did.

O’Ta’O meticulously shared his telepathic thoughts of what he had just been taught. Starting with, this was Earth, the Eden birthplace of mankind; The creator of the universe had gifted him a soul and had patiently waited two billion one hundred million years for this very day;

The ancient machines were the descendants of the first living worshippers of our creator, and throughout the universe, you can find their ringworld homes, by the gravity bars running through a spiral galaxies’ core; They live billions of years before their souls must depart when galaxies collide;

Next were the intricate designs of the interstellar cruiser, its living artificial intelligence becoming the guardian of mankind; Its quantum engines converting energy and mass matter at twice the speed of light; Plus its rotating gravity rings in combination with the quantum field engines which would prolong their lives to three thousand years;

Now, as the sun began setting, they arose with the joy of the creator filling their hearts, a sense of purpose had been born, a mission, a labor of love, they were home, and yet interwoven with the entire universe.

In the next three years, An’Thea and Tel’Tis created a family of three happy curious children; In four years, as word spread of all that occurred, a team of seven hundred gathered to study, prepare, and labor in unity;

And in eleven years, the interstellar cruiser ‘Promise Streamer’ would set sail, with their youngest child O’Pera, as the eight-year-old operator navigator anointed by the creator, gifted to see the streams of phased quantum waves, flowing through the galaxy.

This history of when time began, shall continue, upon that day…

* Voices of Love * Chapter 5 ~ Promise Streamer

O’Pera was comfortably seated in the bioform command chair for the very first time, which was capable of adapting to her growing body as she grew into an adult.

O’Ta’O was seated before Ar’Nes, the first living artificial intelligence designed by mankind; They were known to speak telepathically for days without end.

O’Pera was carefully observing the systems engineering display on the left, plus the operational interface panel on the right; She was calm and relaxed, as the three years of training had prepared her well.

An’Thea was the senior quantum systems design physicist, busily running flight calibration routines, and seated at the engineering station on her left; Tel’Tis was the senior operations maintenance technician, the navigator’s primary assistant, and seated on her right.

All had been prepared, O’Pera breathed in deeply, then said “Ar’Nes, transfer operations to navigation please.” “As you say O’Pera, I am most happy to finally meet you,” responded Ar’Nes.

O’Pera announced, “All souls, departure in nine minutes, guests to quarters, operations and maintenance to stations ready. The new dawn of humanity is at hand!” With that, not another word was spoken.

The nine rotating gravity rings were resonating within the Promise Streamer with the sound of a muffled flute. O’Pera touched the Lift command; Instantly, the tones grew lovely, smoothly soft, and the same thought occurred to all; Ar’Nes had programmed the harmonics as the remainder of his love.

They rose gently, yet rapidly, there was no sense of motion, other than the slight decrease of gravity, which returned to normal within one minute, as they cleared the atmosphere.

O’Pera spun the directional compass directly north of the ecliptic, and after nine hours they breached the heliosphere. She could just now begin to see the iridescent waves of phased quanta flowing before them.

She paused at their present location and began to feel the controls for feedback and responses, by spinning the cruiser on each of its axes, again without any sense of motion.

O’Pera spun the directional compass to the ancients’ ringworld and then initiated the Quantum Converter drive, the sound of gentle violin strings began filling the cruiser. Matter exchange readouts verified conversions were rapidly approaching light speed values as particles of micro black holes began forming in the inductors.

After three minutes, energy mass exchange values were near the E=MC^2 double light speed threshold as the tone of a giant ringing bell began echoing throughout the cruiser; O’Pera engaged the quantum drive, and instantly, they disappeared from the physical universe.

All this time An’Thea, Tel’Tis, O’Ta’O, and Ar’Nes, were cherishing their baby girl, yet now they were stunned, for their little girl’s eyes had suddenly changed…

* Voices of Love * Chapter 6 ~ Breath

Suddenly engulfed in radiant white hot liquid space, colorful waves of shimmering translucent iridescence danced in great swirling patterns all around them.

The universe was an endless fluid ocean of colorful rhythmic pulsations, as a heart pumping blood, and lungs breathing air. Ar’Nes spun the holographic viewer to Earth, and they all breathtakingly watched, as life appeared to be radiating its shimmering energy back into quantum space;

When a voice, emanating through the universe, said, “My children, I Am your Lord God, the Breath of Life living within you, behold My gift!” The voice was pure and fluid, like liquid fire in the vacuum of space, instantly all souls recognized their creator’s voice, which had led them to this very moment to cherish His eternal love;

While a wise compassionate face appeared, now covering the entire Earth, its countenance was many within, although just one at this time, as feelings of empathy and love began anointing their souls. The image had gently faded, as they shockingly discovered, that they were now suddenly inside the ancient’s ringworld zero gravity rotational center. This was the vision O’Pera experienced three nights earlier.

As her family now returned to their concerns for her eyes, she spoke before anyone could say a word, “I am fine, our Lord revealed this to me in a dream vision three nights ago. I would like to sleep now, I am exhausted.”

O’Pera disengaged the quantum drive. Space returned to its cold blackness. The ringworld was now suddenly black, and only noticeable due to its blocking the bright stars behind it. Yet, O’Pera’s eyes retained the living breath of the Lord’s Voice.

An’Thea and Tel’Tis arose, each now holding O’Pera’s hands, as they walked their baby to their private quarters. It was time for everyone on board to sleep, as Ar’Nes announced, “We are blessed, it is time we rest.”

Ar’Nes and O’Ta’O began telepathically discussing the observable genetic recombinations and physiological purifying effects of quantum sailing within the Promise Streamer’s quantum field engines and its gravity rings.

And three days after returning home, the intense pain of seeing through the Lord’s living quantum flames, O’Pera’s eyes transitioned into refreshing pearls of His love and grace…

* Voices of Love * Chapter 7 ~ Lord’s Living Voice

It was impossible for the ancients to live more than several hours beyond the immense gravity of their ringworld home, nor could mankind survive but a few seconds on theirs; These quantum space journeys through the Lord’s Voice, would occur another one thousand and seven times;

Until, Mankind refined the genetically purifying quantum field induction engines and gravity ring attraction-repulsion stabilization system, as we set sail across the universe, to help the ancients migrate, in times of catastrophic galactic collisions, which pleased our Lord.

With the discovery that the Lord’s Living Voice was quantum space and His Words create all things in the universe, mankind became a singular voice of worship and praise of our Creator’s Love…

the End.

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© Perceptions