

Do you know about school days love . This story about school days love and this happened in real life for my friend .

Hosur in school :

sita lakshmi we call her sita in short .
Ram he is the Hero of this story . He is new admission , he is new for our school .

Then its me Bishma .
My friend Acharya . .

Ram -- Hai I'm Ram .
Bishma -- Hai I'm Bishma .
Ram -- Here where is 10th G .
Bishma -- I'm also 10th G only come let's go .

Ram -- Bro let's be friends .
Bishma -- okay . .

in class :

Ram -- Hai class mate I'm Ram .
Teacher -- Next .
sita -- I'm sita lakshmi .

Bishma -- hey good combination .

Next day morning :

Bishma like to wake up in morning and he walk in the road side .

Bishma -- I love this morning. my heart beats was controlled by this fresh air . I love to hear the birds sounds at this morning . Love at sky .

in school :

Ram -- I'm Ram .
Acharya -- I'm Acharya .
Bishma -- He is also our friend .
Acharya -- okay . .

Ram -- Bishma i love sita .
Bishma -- really .
Ram -- yes .
Bishma -- okay.
Ram -- I wanto speak with her .
Bishma -- go and speak . .
Ram -- No tomrrow i will speak .
Bishma -- okay. No problem .

Ram , Bishma and Acharya were close friends.

One day other class students beat Ram .

Bishma -- who beat you ? tell me .
Ram -- duruv .
Bishma -- come !

Bishma beat duruv .

Bishma -- if you beat again . I will kill you . .

Ram -- Thanks .
Bishma -- why they are beating you .

Ram -- Morning i spoke with sita . so only they are beating me . .

Bishma -- okay .

Acharya -- what what happened ?
Bishma -- Duruv beat Ram .
Acharya -- Duruv . ....

Acharya beat Duruv again . .

Acharya -- if you beat Ram again i will cut your hand. .

Bishma -- leave him .
Acharya -- where is Ram .
Bishma -- inside the class .
Acharya -- come let's go .

in class :

Ram -- Hey No problem .
sita -- are you alright.
Ram -- yes. No problem .
sita -- it's paining ?
Ram -- No .
sita -- i will give you medecine.
Ram -- Hey No . ma .
sita -- come let's go to nurse room .
Ram -- hey no .

sita huged Ram . .

From the window Acharya looked at them . Acharya in angry. .

Acharya -- Bishma look there what happening .

Bishma -- Ram loves sita.
Acharya -- what ?
Bishma -- yes .
Acharya -- I love sita . really . I truely love sita .

Bishma shocked . .

Acharya -- really i will kill him .
Bishma -- Acharya . No he is our friend. .

in maths period :

Teacher -- students behave like a CBSE students .

Ram sitting near with sita . They two are catching their hands .

Acharya -- Bishma look there .
Bishma -- go idiot !

Acharya in sad and angry mood .

Next day :

Acharya -- you are my best friend in this world . .

Ram -- you are also my best friend in this world.

Acharya -- don't sit near with that girl . please .

Ram -- okay .

In class :

Acharya -- Hai sita .
sita -- Hai Acharya . .

sita -- Hey Ram Hai.

sita huged Ram . .

Acharya -- okay Ram come .
sita -- No . Ram sit near with me .
Acharya -- No come to our bench.
Ram -- sita tomorrow i will sit near with you . okay ?

Sita -- okay Ram I miss you .
Ram -- I miss you too .

New character Tom .

Tom -- you know tomorrow what day ?

Ram -- Hey yes . tomorrow February 14 lovers day .

in Toilet :

Acharya -- tomorrow lovers day I'm going to propose sita .

Bishma -- hey no .
Acharya -- go da .

in class :

Ram -- Bishma tomorrow lovers day I'm going to propose sita .

Acharya knows Ram loves sita . But Ram don't know Acharya loves sita .
This everything known by Bishma .

Bishma -- if they know they will fight like a monkey .

Bishma have an idea. what's that idea lets see tomorrow.

Next day :

Feburary 14. Lovers day.

Bishma game started . .

Ram baught a beautiful rose for sita .
Acharya also Baught beautiful rose for
sita .

in toilet :

Acharya -- i baught a beautiful rose for sita .

Bishma -- very good .

Bishma kicked Acharya into the toilet and he locked the toilet door . .

Acharya -- hey open the door .
Bishma -- wait for sometimes .

in class :

still sita didn't came to the class .

Ram -- I baught a beautiful rose for sita .

Bishma -- very good . Ram teacher is calling you .

Ram -- really.
Bishma -- yes .

Ram went outside .

Bishma thrown flower outside of window . .

After few minutes :

Acharya shouting in toilet and Ram searching flower . .

This is the Bishma's game but he is a fool .

Sita came . .

That time Tom and Duruv came with the flower to propose sita .

Tom -- i only go first
Duruv -- No I only. .

Tom and Duruv fighting like a jocker.

Toilet cleaner opened the door Acharya came out and Ram baught new flower and came .

In a fraction of second . . Another new character came and he proposed sita with rich flowers and good look .

Stir -- Baby I love you . .
Sita -- what ?

sita likes him .

sita -- I love you too .

😂😂 Ram , Acharya, Bishma, Duruv and Tom were shocked .

Tom -- who he is ? .

. will be continued in next part .

--- Indian writer

© Indian writer Darshan