

Jealousy poison...😒
In the quaint village of Willowbrook, nestled amidst rolling hills and whispering pines, lived two sisters: Elara and Seraphina. They were as different as night and day, yet bound by blood and shared secrets.

Elara, the elder, possessed raven-black hair and eyes that held the secrets of the universe. She tended to the herb garden behind their cottage, brewing potions that healed both body and soul. Her heart was as open as the sky, and her laughter echoed through the meadows.

Seraphina, on the other hand, was fair-haired and delicate. Her eyes were the color of forget-me-nots, and her skin held the softness of moonlight. She spent her days weaving intricate tapestries, capturing moments of beauty and longing. But beneath her gentle exterior simmered a tempest of emotions.

The villagers adored Elara, seeking her remedies for ailments and solace for their hearts. She was the sun that warmed their days, and they flocked to her like bees to nectar. Seraphina watched from the shadows, her heart twisting with envy.

One fateful evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Seraphina approached Elara. The air smelled of crushed lavender, and fireflies danced around them.

“Elara,” Seraphina whispered, “why do they love you so? What magic do you possess that I lack?”

Elara smiled, her eyes crinkling at the corners. “My dear sister,” she said, “it is not magic they seek. It is the light within me—the kindness, the empathy. You have it too, hidden beneath your jealousy.”

Seraphina’s jealousy gnawed at her like a hungry wolf. She longed for the villagers’ admiration, their whispered praises. She yearned for Elara’s gifts—the healing touch, the laughter that chased away shadows.

One moonless night, Seraphina crept into Elara’s chamber. Moonlight spilled through the window, illuminating the vials of potions on the wooden shelves. Seraphina’s trembling hands reached for a vial labeled “Heart’s Desire.”

She uncorked it, inhaling the heady scent. The potion shimmered like stardust, promising to grant any wish. Seraphina’s heart raced. She wanted to be loved, revered, like her sister.

With a single drop, Seraphina’s transformation began. Her hair darkened, her eyes deepened to obsidian. She stepped into Elara’s shoes, her laughter echoing through the meadows. The villagers flocked to her, their eyes filled with awe.

But as the days passed, Seraphina felt the poison of jealousy seeping into her veins. She watched Elara tend to the sick, her touch gentle and selfless. She saw the pain in Elara’s eyes—the loss of her gifts, her light.

One stormy night, Elara confronted Seraphina. Rain lashed against the windowpanes, and lightning illuminated their faces.

“You stole my essence,” Elara whispered. “Jealousy twisted your heart, and now you wear my skin. But you cannot keep what isn’t yours.”

Seraphina wept, her tears mixing with rain. “I wanted to be loved,” she confessed. “I wanted to shine.”

Elara’s touch was icy as she placed a hand on Seraphina’s chest. “Love cannot be stolen,” she said. “It must be earned.”

With those words, Elara reversed the potion. Seraphina’s fair hair returned, her eyes softened. The villagers’ adoration waned, but something else bloomed—a newfound understanding.

Elara forgave her sister, and together, they tended the herb garden. Seraphina learned that love wasn’t about magic or admiration—it was about giving, about healing hearts.

And so, in the village of Willowbrook, jealousy’s poison was replaced by sisterly love, and the two sisters became a beacon of light, side by side, casting away shadows for all who sought solace.

Note: This story is a work of fiction and bears no resemblance to any real individuals. 🌟

© Tanya Tripathi