

8 Signs You are "too nice"
1. The "Yes" Trap:

Are you always saying "yes," even when it inconveniences you?

Constant agreement might mean you're putting others first, often at your own expense.

2. Apologizing Excessively:

If you constantly say "sorry" for no reason, you might be overcompensating to avoid confrontation or displeasing others.

3. The Burden of Others' Feelings:

Caring is empathetic, but shouldering the responsibility to fix everyone's problems? That's a weight you don't need to bear.

4. Overthinking Your Actions:

If you're constantly second-guessing how your actions might be perceived, it's a sign that you're desperate to be seen as "nice".

5. Struggling to Express Your Needs:

Your desires, needs, and boundaries matter too. Don't keep sidelining them for others. It's time to stop being a pushover.

6. Rarely Setting Boundaries:

Let's get real - boundaries are crucial for your sanity and self-worth. Without them, you become an easy target for exploitation.

7. Unappreciated Much?

Ever feel like you're going the extra mile for others, only to have it go unnoticed and unreturned? It's a surefire recipe for feeling undervalued.

8. Avoiding Confrontation at All Costs:

When you fear disagreement so much that you'll do anything to avoid it, you end up silencing yourself just to maintain harmony.
© Robin Sir (Math Specialist)