

know who you are
As the wolf named North softly walks through the snowy lands of whitefall she can't help but shed tears as she walks thinking about how she lost her Love Balo to the darkness known as the Rot.

It was a very simple day in the snowy lands of whitefall North and Balo were walking together lost in a bliss of romance and true love they seemed to be really meant for each other but that was until.

They began making their way through a snowy forest there paws softly patting against the snow but something wasn't right a tree that looked very different from the others stood out and Balo took notice.

Balo could see how much different the tree looked than the others it looked more withered and broken he walked up to it slowly reaching a paw out before North could stop him he touched it.

Balo soon turned around after touching the tree looking normal like it did nothing so the two continued on their way but North was obviously still worried about him but that soon vanished when Balo brought North to a little cliff that looks out upon the beautiful snowy lands.

Balo looks at North before saying "This is the best way i can describe you just a vast land of beauty and uniqueness and that's why i love you so much" Balo says with a big smile and soft tone.

North can't take the memories anymore as she soon awakes from her daydreaming as she sees she is approaching the mountain covered in dark clouds and a sad almost feeling.

As North begins treading up the mountain softly feeling the dark energy more and more knowing she is drawing near as North approaches a what appears to be a cavern inside of the mountain.

North carefully walked inside looking around her paws softly hitting the ground as she looks around at drawings on the cavern walls of things like death and sorrow.

North suddenly stops walking though when she sees a drawing of that day on the cliff where Balo said those things it makes North think has she truly lost him or could there be a chance for there spark to reignite.

North continues to look at the drawing shedding another tear knowing that he might still care even though he was lost as North begins walking again she hears something.

As North begins approaching the sound slowly it sounds like clawing against a wall as North looks straight ahead seeing Balo with a black aura surrounding him North is speechless looking at Balo looking like something he would have hated.

Balo turns around his eyes as red as blood he looks seeing North he feels something inside of the darkness inside of him a scream of joy wanting to get out but he remains silent looking at North lifelessy.

North looks at Balos lifeless look it makes her want to cry even more but she doesn't if North had truly lost Balo what was the point in fighting it but North kinda had a idea a last resort but North had to try at least one more time as North continues to stand her ground not saying anything.

Balos eyes darken to a thicker red before he says with a very deep voice "I see you are not going to run that is a mistake i bet you came a long way to try and stop me right Well it's not going to happen North i am reborn now and nothing can stop that" he says before he begins sorta running at North at aggresive speeds.

North stood her ground not moving even seeing him running at her she didn't move instead she let a tear fall from her face before saying in a beautiful voice "I have crossed the frozen horizons to find you i know you're pain even though you have strayed away from your heart because of the darkness in your heart but you must know darkness does not define you it can not control you i know you know who you are my Love" North says with a beautiful tone before bracing herself for Balos attack.

Balo charges at North hearing her voice saying those things it doesn't stop him he keeps speeding up getting closer and closer as his teeth get ready to bite into North before hearing North saying my love making him come to a stop in front of her almost crying a little bit as he breathes heavily.

North closes her eyes ready for this to be the end but even though it was over at least she got to speak to her only love one last time before hearing Balos running stopping hearing the heavy breathing North opens her eyes seeing Balo almost crying she carefully moves closer pressing her head against his saying softly "It's okay you don't have to be angry or sad anymore my love i am right here please just come back to me" North says lovingly and softly.

Balo let's North get close feeling her head rubbing against his he begins rubbing his head back against hers as he listens to her words the anger and hatred begins to leave his body as his eyes turn back to blue and he says very softly to North "Thank you my love i should have never left you you are my everything i will never leave you're side again" he says with a soft tone and a smile shedding a tear.

North smiles brightly hearing him talking again and she feels that dark presence completely gone now as she pressed her head into his fur more and more feeling complete again before saying "Come on let's go home we are together again so we can do anything Balo i love you" she says as she begins walking with Balo by her side.

As the two make their way out of the caverns looking at the bright sky the dark clouds over the mountains gone now as the two smile at each other before running off together into the beautiful lands of whitefall.

© Joke

(never give up on anything even if it seems like you won't win love included)