

A Small Walk Towards a Friend

It was six in the evening, and the sun had prepared itself to set soon. I was feeling tired and bored, so I decided to go out, walk to a nice café, and have a drink. Another name for coffee is energy, so I would probably have a coffee. I took the keys and my purse and closed the door.

As I walked for some time, I reached an unfamiliar café called Dee's Café. It looked new and cool, and as I entered, the waiter greeted me with a smile. "Good evening, ma'am. What would you like to have?"

"A cup of coffee would be fine for me," I replied and took a seat. The café was cozy and comfortable, a perfect escape from my mundane routine.

While I was lost in my own thoughts, the waiter entered with a lavish spread of food that not only looked delicious but also smelled brilliant. I was shocked and startled. "I didn’t order these!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, sweetie, didn’t you forget? Did you forget me?" came a familiar voice. I turned to see a tall woman approaching—her face slowly coming into focus. "I am Devti, and this is for you."

It was then that recognition dawned upon me. Devti, my old friend, whom I hadn't seen in years, was standing right before me. We both sat together and chatted for a long time. We reminisced about our shared past, our dreams, and the paths our lives had taken.

It was incredible how an unknown café led me to reconnect with an old friend. Life often makes us forget those we once cherished, but sometimes, unexpected incidents remind us of the people who mattered.