

The Importance of a mother
Ladies and gentlemen
All I think that women has done in her entire life is ,served her family, served the family she was married into. Served her husband,served her children. Today,serve her grandchildren. And I m not even saying that there is any regrets. She has done this with great fulfilment. She has.... She probably feels more fulfilled with her life,than probably many people, whatever they would have achieved.
that's not the question. But the question is, I know the deprivations she has deprived herself of, in the entire Process.
You know how many of your mother's must be going through this even today serving the food for all of you?
"Garam Garam roti, hot hot Dal rice, kadhi." And after everybody eats and we go to our own business, what is lefy over, is probably What she is eating, and may be sabzi is not left. And she would not,if not enough sabzi is left for you , she'll cook for you. But if not enough sabzi is left for her, she is not going to cook for herself. May be she is just going to use pickle and roll in two rotis and finish it off. There is never been anyone of us sit next to mother and find out what she is eating!

Father has back pain. Mother would give a massage to it.
Mother has back pain , who in the house volunteered to press her back for that? She has to probably spray something on her own back and lie down. Because even if you want to do it her, she wil not allow you to do so, because she thinks she is born to take care of all of you. And she feels guilty if anybody
Else take care of her.
May be mother has a desire to go to Kashmir.
May be she wants to go on a trip to Singapore. It has never happened because
Father feels it's waste of money. Chances are ! There are lot of things that is never part of her life because, dad did not believe it's worth it. The family did not believe it's worth it, or she grew up in a culture where, she felt guilty if she did anything for herself.
I want all of you to reflect it, I'm not asking you to listen to this as a philosophy.
I want you to feel one with your mother and listen to what I'm saying.
Culturally,it not permit mothers to do something for herself, should feel guilty doing it. In fact, even today, if probably anybody else in the house is sick, you know you are going to be taken care because mummy is around. It's scary even to think if mummy lies
Down what'll happen to the rest of the family,
Because we don't even know where salt is there ,or sugar is there , or from where milk is
Coming, we don't even know that.
In more then 90% of the cases reading this, probably your mother had the life that she deserved.
May be many of her desires Never got fulfilled. So much so, that she has learned to
Suppress, chances are she doesn't even communicate to you anymore. You means, to
Anybody in the world. She doesn't even communicate what her desire are. Simple thing I will tell you, you can reflect.
Can your mother sit in front of television and Keep watching something and continue to watch that after you come? Not possible.
Doesn't matter what she is watching.
Any one of you reading this ,son , daughter, grandson, granddaughter, daughter-in-law, what is your first move when the old lady is watching television when you come? The remote control will shift hands, and you will shift to the channel to want to watch.
She can either continue to sit and watch or she has to get up and go, but I don't think,even that choice for her to watch what she wants,even that choice doesn't exist. Think about it.
Can you just make that one phone call which you have never failed to make your friends, in a course of the day, to say hi to them? Can you just make one phone call to your mom on a daily basis, and just ask her ," Mother, did you eat? Have you finished eating? How are you?". Just one..... Can you? , Before you go to sleep at the end of the day, Just give her that quality? I know, there is tremendous demand on your time. Not the time to remind you. But if I don't remind you now, I don't get another time to remind you.
"People who cry the loudest in the funeral are always those who did not express and demonstrate their love enough when the other one was still alive." I just do not want any of you reading this now to be the loudest one to cry in the funeral of a mother. Instead saying all the things that you would say when she can no more hear you, can you say all the things that you must say when she can still here you? Can you go out of your way?

Now mothers says she doesn't want Anything ! That's what she will say. But it's not difficult for you to find out. What she has sacrificed. Yes, she's definitely going to say, I don't need." In fact, when you buy two saree's for her and give to her, she's going to say, "Why are you buying all these things? I don't have even time to wear the existing saree's, so why you have to buy?", She's going to say, but don't you know that she is going wear those two saree's in the time's to come, and go and tell at least a hundred people, "My son has bought it for me, my daughter bought for me!" And can we create that fulfilment?
Could we do a little things, could we probably sit and tailor-make exclusive songs which your mother will enjoy, and create an ipod out of it, and give it her so that she can listen to the music that she enjoys listening too? Can we invest the time and effort and do it for her ? Exclusive entertainment for her? Could we buy another television and add it to parents bedroom ,so that they can watch? So
Much you are spending, one more telivsion?
And so that let them watch what they want to watch, you keep watching your.... So they do not have to continue to sacrifice even at this age? May she doesn't get excited about you talking about Singapore ,Switzerland and European holidays, but probably it is going to be for you to arrange for an exclusive cab and taking her to triputi, which she wants to go and bring her back? , or to kedarnath and bring her back? A pilgrimage trip, which probably Will mean a lot to her. Do what you have to do. Arrange what you have to arrange. May be she wants to just go and trek up to that Vaishnava....No, at her age, at her age she can't trek! Let's get two people to carry her up. Give her that experience and bring her . And her, probably that would be jannat. That will be her salvation. That's Wil be her fulfillment. I m just indicating a direction to you. Probably ,she is one women, who has cried more for you than anybody else has cried, for the wrong reasons. Can we ensure she no more. Cries because of us? Can we bring respect in the tone? I know you have great freedom when you speak to your mother. If in that one relationship, you can't take that freedom, where you will take? But can we bring that respect and affection and the tone of our voice in the way we speak to the mother?
In a single sentence, whatever years that are left, can we take care of her, like you take care of an angel ? Can we listen to her once, before she goes? I don't remember all the ways I have cared for you all these year's, but I do remember all the ways you cared for me.
In these years. Can we start parenting our mother, rather than just remaining a child? Can we Mother the mother, independent of whether you are a son or a daughter, or daughter-in-law, or a grandchild? Can we Mother the mother?
Ensure ,that you recognize that lady has not got the life she probably deserved, and you're going to do everything in your capacity in the day's ahead of you, in gifting her a life she deserves.

Remember : All that you are and you will be is because of her......
Give her what she deserves!.

Thank you 💞

© Feel_the_words