

So it was the tale of 1 December 2013.

Wonwoo's pov:

"Ahhhhh!!S-stop it Wonwoo-ah. Ahhhahahahaha."
She couldn't stop her laughing as I started tickling her hovering over her on the bed so that she wouldn't get any chance to escape.

She tried to push me by my chest but she didn't know how strong I was.

"Promise me you won't ask me about the surprise anymore." I said chuckling at her cuteness.

"Ahhhh okay. I won't. Now leave me." She said pushing me by my chest again.

It was my habit now getting lost in her eyes whenever she stared at me.

I leaned forward keeping my forehead upon her.

"Wonwoo-ah?" She whispered.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

She pecked my lips and sayid with a chuckle "Get off of me now."
Having a smirk on my face,I get up letting out a sigh.

She stood up before me placing her hand on the door knob.

I raise one of my eyebrows seeing her sudden action.

"Please! Now reveal the surprise Wonwoo-ah!" She said. for the. 12th time.

I rolled my eyes with a smirk and stood up to catch her but aishhh! She ran away opening the door.

Sometimes I thought how lucky I am to have her.

My love for her is undescribable and unconditional.

This is what every lover says.

And once there was a time when I found it as any cheesy pickup line until I met her.

She was a girl for whom I would have to spend my whole life to find a flaw in her,and that would be my happiest moment.

She was the one who caught my attention at the first sight, who made me blush every moment she went passing by me during our high school life.

Once my friends were having a serious discussion on money.

When I asked why though, they replied they were thinking to send me to a mental hospital.

Like seriously?

Yeah I might keep smiling every moment, I might say 7 when I was being asked 43×3, I might have said 'same to you' when I was being wished on my birthday, but these didn't  mean that I needed to go to any freaking mental hospital.
Ahh! those stupids!

After her parents passed away, we started living together. I didn't want her to feel lonely. I just wanted her to realize that there's always my hand to hold, my arms opened for a hug and my presence.

11 pm:

She was dressing inside our shared room and I was standing outside just near the door leaning, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Sana....Shall I come?"

"I swear if you asked this again,I won't let you alive."
Sounds like she is annoyed with my question.
Afterall I was asking her since 15 minutes I guess.

I liked annoying her. The way she crunched her nose and frowned like a baby. These all melted my heart .

Hey! Why don't I enter the room to see the view of her being more annoyed?
I thought.

I opened the door slowly.

She was busy in straigtning her hair sitting infront of the mirror.

I don't know why she needed to straight her hair even it is already straight.

Her attention was full on the straightner.

I step towards her keeping my hand inside my pant's pocket slowly slowly without making any sound from my boots.

I stand behind her.

Her eyes went wide as soon as she looks into the mirror.

"Why did you enter?? I was supposed to surprise you with my look-"

"Sssshhhhhh.." I back hug her placing my chin on her shoulder and looked at her into the mirror.

"I hope no one will eye on my girlfriend." I said with a pout.

"Wonwoo-ah~~~ chill. Now let me do my hair. Otherwise we will be late. I want to see the surprise as soon as possible." I stood properly keeping my hands back inside the pocket.

She glared at me on the mirror from my head to toe. And as she met her eyes with mine on the mirror, I raise my eyebrow with a smirk.

She was trying to avoid it by looking somewhere else. And I could say......she was blushing.

I then turned back and sat on the bed.

As soon as she turned back , facing me with a smile,as a sign that she is done, I stood up.

I made my hand forward for her to accept and asked like a gentleman "Shall we go now?" And she nodded two times smiling.