

When You Move On
One of the beautiful things in life is moving on, moving on from all those insecurities and
buggages that used to hold you down, those same heavy loads that used to suffocate your voice,
to hide your genuine self in the dark corner of the room, the same ones that forced you to keep
up with all that shitty and unfair treatments that this and that person used to give you.

It's really amazing, gladdening, and liberating when you wake up and realize that you're no
longer the people-pleasing self that you used to be, that your self deprecating persona has
become a history, because for the first time in your life, you now know your true worth. You
know that the same way you treat others with respect that you deserve that respect too. You
know that just the same way you go out of your way to be there for that person that he or she
should do the same for you too if you're that special to them as they are to you. You know that
though you messed up big time and betrayed that person who meant a lot to you, that that doesn't
mean that that's all you are, a betrayer. Because you are not. You've changed and you have
become a better person than you were then. Because though it doesn't excuse you for what you
did to that person, you've apologized and asked for their forgiveness both in words and in

The beauty in moving on is that you also get to realize that you are enough, that you don't
need anyone's approval for you to be happy. You realize that you don't have to fit in this or that
group of people, that you don't have to force any person to be in your life or for you to be in
theirs. If they don't want you in their life, that is it, leave them in peace. You realize that you do
deserve more than being the side thought of someone who is a priority to you. You realize that
there is a person who better deserves to occupy that part of your heart that you gave to that
person who does not give a care whether or not you came to class, or whether or not you are
feeling content and joyful or low and depressed. And you also realize that just because they
didn't return your genuine feelings doesn't mean that you wasted your time loving them nor does it mean that they are
horrible people.

Because when you move on you get to be more understanding of others. You get to realize that
just because you love a person doesn't mean that they will love you back. Or that just because
you want to be more than casual friends with a person that that's what they want too. You realize
that because you want to have a person in your life doesn't mean they want you in theirs nor do they
have to.

Moving on teaches you to be more open-mindedness and more empathetic. It teaches you to be
more understanding of others the same way you want others to understand you. It teaches you
that we are all human beings and that, along the way, we all mess up and hurt other people both intentionally and unintentionally, in one way or another. It teaches you to forgive and to let go.

Moving on does teach you that as long
as one is alive, a person can change. You understand that deeply because you are a living
testimony of that fact yourself. You know that the same way you are now a completely different and
better person than you were that time that another person too can change and be a better human being.

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