

the chewing
I shuddered as the cacophony of gnawing teeth echoed through my chamber, each insidious scrape sending shivers down my spine. The rats, the vile and loathsome creatures, had been my constant tormentors for weeks now, their ceaseless chewing driving me ever closer to the brink of madness.

No matter what I did, I could not escape their relentless assault. I had tried sealing off every crevice and crack, but they always found a way in. I had even hired an exterminator, but his efforts proved futile against the horde of vermin that plagued my home.

As the days wore on, my mind began to unravel, consumed by the maddening sound of their incessant chewing. I could no longer sleep, no longer eat, for the rats were always there, gnawing away at my sanity as surely as they chewed through my walls.

And then, one fateful night, I saw them. Hordes of rats, swarming through the darkness, their beady eyes gleaming with malice as they closed in on me. I tried to run, but they were too quick, too numerous. They overwhelmed me, their sharp teeth sinking into my flesh as I screamed in terror and agony.

In that moment, I knew that I had been driven to the brink of insanity by the rats. But it was too late. The rats had claimed me as one of their own, and I was lost to the madness that had consumed me.

© c.wright