

Haters that live in my head, should be paying rent
I'm way too good at listening, all these comments draining up my energy, the voices living in my head, tellin' me who I'm supposed to be, I can't see what I am, I just see what I'm not, I'm guilty 'bout everything that I'm becoming, feelin' myself is a felony sabotage, voices in my head make up my entourage.

To the ones who never left me, we've been down this road before, I'm sorry, I'm not sober anymore, got no excuses for all of these, I could've given you more but life got so fast, good things don't last anymore. So call me when it's over 'cause I'm dying inside, wake me when the shakes are gone and the cold sweats disappear, just call me when it's over and myself has reappeared, won't be sober 'til I forgive myself.

I'm sorry that I'm here again, it wasn't my intention. I promise I'll get help, I'm sorry to myself, sorry for the voices I lost who watched me fall again, wanna be a role model, but I'm only human

I'm an expert at giving love to somebody, right now can't love anyone else 'til I forgive myself. Me, myself and I don't see eye to eye. Me, myself and I, wonder when "I love me is enough" why am I always looking for a ride or die? 'cause mine's the only heart I'm gonna have for life.

© Zwide ♥️ <•}}}><