A requiem &an Opera(ration)Planet Knob-umps..
Cleft Tone had written over a hundred hit musical songs in her already short career. Most of them had been among the best ever heard ,and all her songs were known by the inhabitants of Knob-umps.
Young,elderly,rich,poor,sane,insane, Knight,presir, beggar,doctor,teacher,murderer,bird,animal,plant,and insect alike,had all.at some point,dubg,hummed,or whistled one of her songs.
11 award winning musicals,all.penned by Cleft Tones hand and yet she had not received none of the accolade or rich rewards that her work had...
Young,elderly,rich,poor,sane,insane, Knight,presir, beggar,doctor,teacher,murderer,bird,animal,plant,and insect alike,had all.at some point,dubg,hummed,or whistled one of her songs.
11 award winning musicals,all.penned by Cleft Tones hand and yet she had not received none of the accolade or rich rewards that her work had...