

A requiem &an Opera(ration)Planet Knob-umps..
Cleft Tone had written over a hundred hit musical songs in her already short career. Most of them had been among the best ever heard ,and all her songs were known by the inhabitants of Knob-umps.

Young,elderly,rich,poor,sane,insane, Knight,presir, beggar,doctor,teacher,murderer,bird,animal,plant,and insect alike,had all.at some point,dubg,hummed,or whistled one of her songs.

11 award winning musicals,all.penned by Cleft Tones hand and yet she had not received none of the accolade or rich rewards that her work had deserved.Thst had gone instead to her management team "Conmusic".

Conmusic was owed and run by the less the desirable Ido Con..Young and nieve and eager to.make an impression, Cleft met Ido at a musical launch party ,and he persuaded her to sign a contract ,that endured she only got a fraction of her potential wealth, under some guise that the bulk of her royalties would be put into s trust fund for her ,till she was 25.

Now having reached her maturity.she had two days previously met with the irrepressible Mr Con. The meeting had started amicably enough , but soon degenerated into s woeful sordid affair, with Ido Con eventually promising to bring the Trust papers for her to sign within the next couple of weeks.

The last Cleft remembered yelling at him was " I refuse to write another thing for you, until my signature is in that release form. I meant it!!.

The words flew through the air punching the con man firmly in the back. That was the last she had heard from him. She knew that "Conmusic Management" however was in severe financial difficulty and suspected there would be no piddles (the currency of (Knob-humpst) to be had ,lots of crap maybe ,but no piddles.

Still Cleft had in fact been planning to write another peice, s Requiem,she would always write unaided ,words and music ,and they were what she was, but this particular project needed something that Cleft alone could not produce. A little help was needed, a special type of help, and today Cleft had arranged to meet with that help.

TBC..Find out what has cleft is up to..in part 2.


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