

"Introspection and Inquiry"
Let us start with the simple question that ironically most people never bother to ask:

How do you know that you're alive?

It seems to be the most absurd thing to ask, and yet...
If asked this, what would be your answer?
You will find yourself to be one of three people, once faced with this question...

Would you simply scoff and refuse to respond?

This is the first person and is the most common of the three.
This one is niether simpleton nor wise man but is likened to the fool, but unfortunately, unlike any other fool, this one has no idea he is indeed a fool. This one is a coward, murderer, thief, dishonorable child, and liar. This is not because he is hiding, robbing, violent,rebellious or decieving. But because he is unwilling to stand for his own understanding and refuses to ponder it even to himself. This one is thus answered for, and the answer for such is, sadly, "I am not alive."
This poor soul is eternally bound to a cycle of madness and fear.
They are the creators and residents of Hell.

Or would you, like most people, opt for the obvious and predictable response of "Because Im here and living."?

This is the second, and less tragic though equally lost, of the three. This one is no fool and no simpleton and, though possibly very knowledgeable, is not a wise man either. This one is an idolater, adulterer, and a covetous, false witness. Not because this one worships vain images, or because they steal spouses, nor is it because they crave what is nit theres.Niether is it because they falsely testify about anyone or anything. It is because they percieve themselves as being able to know themselves entirely and certainly. They are convinced without due and just cause that all they know they know definitely simply because no alternative is presented. The claim intelligence yet collect immeasurable amounts of infirmation from others so as to maintain their status as a knowledgeable person. All the while they may be found proclaiming the unlearned or uninformed ones to be lesser minds.They partake in this seemingly appropriate if not harmless act of judgement as if they themselves were the standard or perhaps gods. This one cannot be answered for but when placed before the light of Truth can only remain silent or answer shamefully, "I have no knowledge of death and therefore no knowledge of life. If I am alive or not I cannot say, nor am I able to prove which I am one way or the other." This soul is one which is required to learn many deep wisdoms, often repeating lessons, and will either overcome and evolve or digress and eventually begin a tragic dissent into madness. However, if this one should achieve the growth and realization needed to ascend they will be, no matter how slowly, on an irreversible path toward Eternal Peace. This one is among the souls who are the creators and residents of Earth or The Land of the 1st Death or the Soul Garden.

But perhaps...
You find nothing at all, if the truth be told, in common with the previous two. This leaves you no other place but in ranks of the few and far between as the 3rd and most favored yet most challenging person one can be.
This one is one among uncountable others who have come and gone, have yet to become, and are present. Yet, despite the common bond shared with these many, this one is in fact alone, in terms of having any peers. This one is such who has overcome the Commandments by virtue of Faith and Mercy and is therefore not merely forgiven as a sinner but honored as a saint. However, such a highly praised state is not a reward or final place but is rather the iniation of one such soul into the duty and calling of divine appointment and holy occupation. This one is a servant, and in servitude shall lead. This one is a student, and in learning shall teach. This one is a peacemaker, and in embassy shall conquer. This one is a nomad, and in traveling shall make their home. This one is a stranger, and in obscurity shall have  their fame. This one is a have not, and in poverty shall own the world. This one is a sheperd, and in their peasantry, they shall be royal. This one is an orphan, and yet it is in their lack of lineage that they are qualified to become the Son of God.This one is the bride of Christ, and in their union they are one with Christ and thus one with God and Eternal.
This one none can answer for. This one none can even be posed with such a question. Yet to the inquiry this one would have the certain and instant answer which upon its declaration commands all who hear it to be humble before God and convicts any willing to follow in its path.This one is the soul that answers, "It is not I that lives, but Christ who lives in me. I have known not any life but only death apart from Christ. I have knowledge of the 1st death and therefore know that indeed I was nothing before that death came. This is also why I am certain of being alive as I was resurrected from this 1st Death into New Life. I am Eternal. I am Gods own. I am Alive.My Spirit itself bears witness of me. And the will of my Father is my own. Forever and ever. So be it!"
This one is a eternal soul fused with Eternal Spirit as a Son of the Most High and is destined to overcome many hells and see many heavens acting as a custodian of the Gospel and is given the duty of an Archangel yet remains a mere human and has begun the Journey of All Aeons. This one is the Presence and the Voice of Truth.
This one is the creator resident and heir of New Heaven and Earth. And it is such that is the purpose and purchase of Christ and the Glory of God.

So...what say you?
How do you know you are alive?
To those with any answer, I say, " Salutations! Alas! You have arrived!"
With that, I bid all Godspeed, goodwill, and good health.


your servant and brother of souls,

Brosha the Skrybe
Saent Paen
AF Kindred
Jestyr the Orphan
Lion of Jesus
Lamb of Life
Adam the Archangel
Eve of Eden
Keeper of Lucifers Ashes
Angelof Death Angelof Mercy

Son of the Prophets
Kindred of Christ
Warrior of the Way

© A.F. Kindred/Brosha the Skrybe