

The Reality of Real magic.(L.T. - Chapter 3)
They got inside the tent. The magic show has began. Aron and Roby has visited many tents to watch magic show. Aron always tried to figure out the trick behind the magic. He read a lot of magical books also. Thus, he could see behind the curtain and understand the trick behind many of the magics. Every time he eagerly wait for a magic without manipulation, ie. real magic. He use a different way to understand the trick behind the magic which he cannot figure out.

Aron to himself in a small voice.
"The goat has disappeared."
In a shouting voice to Roby.
"Hey Roby, how did he do that?"
Everybody was stared at them.
Roby whispered.
"Shut up aron. We are in the middle of so many people. please wake up."
A second's silence.
Roby:"Wait. Are you...?"
looked at Aron.
Aron:"Yes, yes..But not me. We are."
Said with a little smile.
Roby:"No not this time. You are crazy aron. Crazy."
"Shut up."
said by one of the viewer.
Roby said in a low voice.
"Look Aron, the bet was finished when I came with you to watch...