

Who Am I
My name is Viktor Erebus Resnovski and I am 36. I have lived a hard life thus far. Growing up was hard with a mother and sister. Though I thought about what life would be like if I had a father in my life, but we had our good days and our bad days.

When I turned 8 that is where things took a turn for the worse, I was diagnosed with Hyperthymesia which is a condition when a person has photographic memory, I never was able to reach top tier or this but I did and still can remember a lot of things in my life both good and bad.

From the age of 8 till the age of 31 my life had its ups and downs and it's disasters. 8-16, mental institutions caused by a mother telling doctors lies about shit that never happened or occured. (Anytime my mother beat me for being bad, the psych ward was told I attempted suicide or I could hear things). And each time I was released within 24-48H.

As I grew up I wanted to join the Marines but couldn't because of the mental health record my psychotic mother made me get growing up.
I ended up getting married to the love of my life and girlfriend from 5th grade through senior year. We had a son Nikolai who I miss every day I live this wretched earth. (I lost both of them 48Hrs after he was born, in 2005).

This turned a good man into a bad person. I went from clean and cop and firefighter friendly to being the one who went GTA, Burgurlary and even became what the courts said "Psychotic when under the influence".

So when the military denied me, my ROTC commander got me in touch with Constellis Security Firm which lead me to my life changing for the better after discipline and hardship to turn me into the man today.

From 2005-2008 I was a Constellis Security Contractor. 2008-2009 "I was drinking again for fun, and got caught up with some bad people that ended up getting me in jail and mental health court for something I did while under the influence". In 2010-2018 I went to the EBSSA to train to become a Military Contractor that later ended up getting me in with the Russian Federations RSB-Group. In 2018, I just found out I lost my grandmother and came home to be arrested a few hours after I got home for some shit my mother pulled again. This time doing 4 months in jail and doing more Mental Health Court.

Since then I've struggled with getting work, so last year I started my own company since I can't go back to Russia to be with my brothers, until either my record is sealed or Russia reopens it's international doors.

I have been single for nearly 12 years now, and I have two more kids from 2008 and 2012. But I want to meet someone and finally settle down, keep them away from my psychotic family and be able to be happy.

12 years of dating apps,
12 years of loneliness,
12 years of trying to find the one I want to spend the rest of life with.

I am not a one night stand kind of man,
I am not a man who takes a girl out just to be laid,
I am a man who is considered a classy man, I take women out on fine dates, and do what I can to take things slow.

But each date I've been on, ladies think something of me and I never see or hear from them again. Its upsetting.

So I wrote this hoping to find out who I am, yet to figure it out. But I'm hoping to either find the right person soon or to see if anyone who reads my story can give me any advice or tips on what to do...

I hope you see who I am, I still consider myself a gentleman and a Hopeless Romantic that is a classy man. Who disowned his family to start a business and who is doing what he can to find someone to settle down with and maybe start a new chapter in his life along with hers.

Till Next time.

- Viktor Erebus Resnovski