

Is moving on easy?
Dear, well known stranger !!!! .
I had to move on, so I did whatever I had to. Left you, your memories, everything that attached to you, to us.
I still remember the promises, on the day you were too drunk too drive home, You promised you'll never leave me, You promised saying No !! When I asked you " have you ever loved any other girl like this before"
When I was about to take it as a drunken blurting, you promised me you mean them!! .
Isn't it love !!!! .
I wonder how the sacred promises just remained unfinished words .
You are everywhere, in every single place I move, in every single thing I see, But it just feels like trap set by my thoughts to drive me back to you ! To the pain all over again!!! .
I still cannot get rid of you!! Distance, silence, Distractions does any of them really work?
My mind cannot stop looking back
I Wish I hadn't seen, talked, thought, shared so much with you.
Everyday when i Look into the mirror I'll tell myself again
I wish I Could cleanse myself of you, Delete this history.