

Planet X Chapter 10
Having been in labor for seven and a half hours Eric was exhausted. But he finally managed to get some rest.
"How's he doing?" Asked Emily taking, a peak into the bedroom.
"He's doing a little better but, I'm still worried about him. The doctor said he could be weak for a while. Said he lost a lot of blood and could still be at risk. The Doc's ganna come by every day to check on him."
"Yeah that's good. We almost lost him." Scott nodded.
"Yeah. I tell ya though Emily I could never have done that. My pain tolerance is so low. I'd be crying the whole time." Emily smiled.
"Me too and I'm a woman." They both shared a laugh.
About three hours later Eric woke with Scott at his bedside.
"Hey." Said Scott, stroking Eric's hair.
"Hey." Eric smiled weakly.
"How ya feelin?"
"Better now that I've seen you." Scott smiled.
"I'm so proud of you." Eric smiled.
"I love you so much Eric." Eric smiled and caressed Scott's face. He then gave him a kiss.
The babies then began to cry. Eric went to get up but, Scott stopped him.
"You stay put. I'll bring them to you." Scott went over and went to the cribs.
"Hey. Sh, daddy's here." Eric couldn't help but smile as he watched Scott. He looked so happy. And that made Eric happy. Scott walked back to the bed and gave the baby to Eric. Then walked back to get the other one. Just then Emily walked in.
"Oh my goodness look at them! Their so beautiful Eric!" Eric smiled with pride.
"You wanna hold him?" Emily looked eager but, a little nervous. But she took the baby gently in her arms.
"He's so tiny." She said. Emily was on cloud nine. And didn't want to give him back. But she reluctantly gave him back to Scott. She walked over to Eric and sat down on the bed.
"Well Eric..." She smiled widely. "You're officially a mommy." Eric smiled with happiness.
"And Scott's a daddy." Replied Eric. The smile on Scott's face was priceless.
The next few days was stressful for both Eric and Scott. Eric was still weak from giving birth and Scott was very concerned for him. But Dr. Phillips came every day to check on him and he told Scott that he was slowly recovering which made Scott feel better.

© Elizabeth Harris