

Heartless sweetheart
Not the one you were looking for
《 After graduation 》
Elena - You really leaving...?
Hazel - Yeah i am...in sorry i couldn't spend times with you
Elena - thats fine beside you will come back after some month
Hazel - oh elena...and hey good luck on your writings
Elena - Ofcourse you too...want to go somewhere ?
Hazel - Yes we should
* vibrate *
Hazel - hmm a text ?
|| On text ||
Nelson- hey hazy meet me by the park at 3 i have something to tell you
Hazel - oh umm sure
Nelson- bye bye and come alone...
Hazel - ummm kk :)
|| end ||
Elena - what ?
Hazel - Nelson want me to meet up at the park
Elena - Then shall we go
Hazel - He said to let me go alone but
Elena - oh
Hazel - but you can come alone ofcourse
Elena- really i mean ...
Hazel - Yes lets gooo
《 At the park 》
Elena - go now I'll wait for you here
Hazel - okay
《 with hazel and Nelson 》
Hazel - hey Nelson whats up
Nelson - umm..hazy i have to tell you something really important
Hazel - yes what is it ?
Nelson - * pull out a flower * um..since the day we met i have always loved you hazy..i know its sudden but...will you be mine ? ...
Hazel - ....
Nelson - ??
Hazel - Im sorry nelson...but i don't feel the same way....i have only seen you as a brother to me i hope you understand..
Nelson - oh...its okay
Hazel - And I'm not the person you should be chasing for i mean...* look at elena *
Nelson - wha-
Hazel - yes well it was nice knowing how you felt....i know that your feelings for me wasn't true too but hey take it slowly you will find yourself
Nelson - wha- i but how...
Hazel - *smile * I know you more than you know yourself remember
Nelson- stupid * pat her head * sorry
Hazel - Don't worry i understand hahah oh and take care of elena when I'm gone
Nelson - oh sure..when are you coming?
Hazel - After some few months
Nelson - okay make me proud hazy..now go and spend time with her hahah
Hazel - * Hug * yes now take care I'll text you later
Nelson - Byeee
《 With hazel and Elena 》
Elena - What happened?
Hazel - Oh he just wanted to tell goodbye
Elena - And ?
Hazel - I told him something but its a secret haha
Elena - whaaaa why won't you tell me
Hazel - You will know soon
Elena- Ahhh whyyyyyyy
Hazel - hahah okay now shall we go somewhere?
Elena - ahh okay okay
Hazel - hahaha
《 Next day 》
Elena - Well...this is it then..take care * hug*
Hazel - ill miss you...take care of yourself and..goodluck
Elena - Make me proud hazel byeee
Hazel dad - Hazel lets go
Hazel - coming dad....bye see you then...
Elena - I'll be waiting
|| Sorry for skipping allot ||
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