

🍁 The Winds Of Fate 🍁(Part-21)
Mr.and Mrs.Benady Samuel is always good at everyone but Mr.Samuel's own brother cheated him for the property and also tried to kill Mrs.Samuel, When Mr.Benady was 7 years old. They were live with lot of difficulty Mrs.Samuel was in hospitalised for 3 months they don't had a money for her medical expenses Mr.Benady stayed with his mom in hospital till her last breath.

But Mr.Samuel never give up on his hard work, he made the Benady Construction. He was the One who introduce the next level construction business in Korea, like he was the one who tie up with foreign countries.At the same Benady Group of Companies faced lots of losses and it was also comes to a auction, Mr.Samuel won the auction against large group of companies and Merged the Benady construction with Benady Group of Companies, made Benady Construction is the head of the Companies.

Mr.Benady was all alone in his childhood and only gives important to money not to others because he think If he has money, he will may have been a chance to save his mother, he said. But Mr.Yuvan is his close friend right?, I asked him. Yes, but not that much, I wish he will be happy throughout his life like today, he said. Meanwhile taxi also came so Edward send off me.

I felt really bad for Mr.Benady who suffer a lot in his childhood, that's why whenever I talk about jennie he said that I wish also have friends like this, I just wanted to be with him in my whole life for comforting him till my end, I said while a tear leaves from my eyes. Wait, what did I say !, No-no,no . He is My boss and also From now on he is my friend too so, don't think too much and don't fell for him, I said to Myself.

🍁To be Continued🍁


© Ms_Lucky