

Future of tomorrow's past chapter one what have I done
This is the 4th part to the story

Does she like running the market I ask him. Sometimes she deals with unwillingly customers But it's a living He says to me. You try to get some rest we got a long ride ahead of Us Boy He says. Tossing and turning trying to Put myself to sleep With the pain that is unbearable. I start to think about the city again Could it be like a citys that I've seen in pictures or I've read about Time will only tell. but in that moment of thinking I feel myself falling asleep. Hours must have passed by. Hey I see you out there if you come in a closer I will Shoot. Dam it boy wake up it looks like we're running into some trouble He says to me. If anything happens you see that ridge over there I want you to take yourself and hide Harold says with worry and his voice. Aww Now is that any way to talk to somebody just looking to have some water With a creepy raspy voice. see You're coming out here taking all our plants and see you're just not paying for it and now we have a problem The creepy raspy Voice says. Harold The plants are for everyone not just you not just me. With a low voice Herald says to me ok boy I think it's gonna get Messy. you Head for that ridge and no matter what you hear you stay there you understand me He says to me. But I can't Leave you I say to him. Dam it boy this is no time to argue and you are in no shape to help me Just do as I Ask He says to me. But who are they and what Do they want I ask. Herald They are called the radiators Just one of the few gangs that live out in the wasteland They take what they want and they leave no survivors behind. but dam it boy just do what I say. I slowly crawl my way out Of the wagon keeping low to the ground as to not be seen. Crawling and inching my way towards the ridge. Harold if you think you're gonna take anything from me you're gonna have a fight on your hands He says. aww now what would be the point in taking from you When I would much Rather have more fun than that with you Hahahaha With a creepy laugh he says. I Peak my head over the Ridge To carefully look out. I see 4 men in the distance heading towards the wagon Wearing what look like make shift armor. They were walking kind of like apes. And in that moment Harold takes a shot Dropping and killing one of them. The other 3 men take a shot It must have Hit Harold as he drops the gun to the ground. Harold Yells Out loud just finish me off You sorry sons of bitchs. hahahaha There is no fun in that see you You killed Braman And he wasn't much of a friend but he was good at cleaning the shiter. And now I have to find another person to clean the shiter hahahaha He says with the creepy raspy laugh. So no I think i will have you suffer And leave you out here as bait hahaha he says. as He walks closer to Harold I can see him slowly Shoving his knife in to the side of Harold's back.And then again puncturing the Side of his body. you could hear this a scruciating yell from Harold. all right boys Take whatever you can carry And leave this man for The wild creatures out there hahaha he says. As I watched them disappear into the darkness of the night I wait an hour longer thinking maybe they still might be out there. As I walk up to Harold I could hear..... to be continued
© travisking