

The history
the Vedas
there are four vedas-the Rigveda
samveda yajurveda and atharveda
the Rigveda is the oldest veda which was composed about 3500 years ago the other vedas were composed between 3000 and 2500 years ago the Rigveda is divided books and contains 1028 hymns or suktas that were composed by rishis or sages these hymns are written in praise of various godse and goddess out of these agni indra and sona are important

the puranas
there are 18 puranas that are supposed to have been compiled by vyasa how they should be workshipped they also describe about the creation of the world

Aryabhata was the most famous astronomer and scientist of the ancient period.

aryabhata developed a mathematics method of calculating the circumference of a circle

a famous Indian scholar vharaka wrote the vharaka sanhita it provides a detailed anatomy of the human body with the method of diagnosis
it covers treatment for hundreds of illnesses ayurveda is the sacred science of life
another great physician sushruta gave a detailed description about surgical instruments and surgery in his book name Sushruta samhita
dhanavantari was a well known general physician