

The Midnight Prowl
Chapter 2:

WASSUP, MY NAME IS Mystyke Livincroth and I am 15 years old and you won’t guess where I was when I saw a bright flash of dark blue light. When I was on my way to my friend Twilight’s house I saw this eerie light in one of the top windows in what I assume is one of their guestrooms. I ran across the pathway and up the stairs “Crap!” I said looking for the key then something caught my eye: The door was already unlocked and cracked open! That meant something was up, I pushed the door the rest of the way open and closed it behind me, and locked it. I stepped inside and as soon as my foot hit the threshold I ran inside and went into the direction of the eerie dark blue light.

It was like something out of a fairy tale if you're into that type of stuff. When I got up there Twilight was freaked out. She was in shock, her mouth gaped open staring at Raven in a combination of awe and horror.
“What’s going on ?!” Raven looked like a goddess, her midnight hair blowing lazily in the cool spring wind that blew in from the opened window in the far corner of the room. Her eyes looked like starlight, both beautiful and terrifying, no wonder Twilight was in shock.
I wanted to help but I don’t know how because those eyes scared the shit out of me but standing here like an idiot isn't going to do anything so I half dragged Twilight into the kitchen and ran back into the room where Raven was but strangely, She was sitting down next to a giant black cat with piercing dark blue crescent-shaped eyes it's tail a miniature crescent flickering blue light.
This day couldn’t get any worse I thought. I put my hands on my chest and said, “Raven what in the world was that, and why are you just sitting there next to a giant cat? Wait, why is there a giant cat sitting next to you like nothing just happened?! What is going on!?”

I exclaimed exasperated, a headache forming on my brow. Raven looked at me and said: “I'll explain everything so I was visiting Twilight when we both heard a crash up here so we ran up here and I saw a hole in the ceiling and a dark blue gem on the floor so I ran to it and picked it up and now here we are.”
Then I looked at the giant cat on the bed, Raven noticed my glance and said “Oh that's Midnight I mean Moonight he grew bigger when this happened along with explaining to me what happened he also told me how to hide my armor” Puzzled I looked at Raven as if she was an alien. “Did you just say that he talked to you, how? cats can't talk.”
“Well obviously my cat can’t talk but telepathically he can and he said something about everyone coming together to team up and become The Midnight Prowl or something, and stopping 14 evil forces.”

Just then I heard another noise and someone talking to Twilight. “Who is that talking to your sister Raven?” Then I looked between Twilight and the stranger and saw the difference. “David” I exclaimed “Mystyke? what are you doing here!” He said.
Oh this is rich Twilight must have called him, geez thought to myself. It was kind of awkward silence, both of us blushing until David finally broke the tension. “So what happened here, what's up?”Suddenly there was a flash of dark blue light in the room Raven was in and then it was gone as well as Raven and that mysterious black cat.