

A surprising birthday party.
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. I had a voice of something g can't guess what is it? Something sparkling ✨ I go near , then I saw a mobile phone ranging coming a call. I relax my body, ''someone's phone ''I said . It is coming a call name"Raja Babu".I don't know what it is? should I answer the phone Or not, I think no I can't the person will think I am theive! But if it is emergency What should I do? The person Raja Babu is calling continuosly and ranging several times, then I thought. NO!! It was a emergency, then I suddenly answer the phone. The person speaking was in so hurry as just I answer the phone, he said in rude voice"LISTEN TO ME! Thanks for the bankruptcy yesterday, I had gained many thing but now you have to kidnapp miss aliza wanna! you know I will say to Raja dahiri about you"
He don't give time to me to say anything.
He is in so hurry. Then he continued"ok do this today 7:00pm at via's palace, 4th floor, puddupukur, kolkata. She will come there for her sister's marriage anniversary party tonight, Do the work without someone's doubt ok"
I said , " listen to me....
he interrupted, nooo!! you have to do! wanna you no very well what can I do!
Then he suddenly cut the phone.
I think, he can't identify my voice in mobile phone.
I don't know what to do, I am just thinking about the kidnapping.
I have the phone in my hand. firstly, I calm myself and found a man (servant of the hospital) to give him the phone.
I came near him and said, excuse me
The man is sweeping in the floor.
He replied, "yes ,what can I do for you,mam?
I said, " I found a mobile phone in the dead end. Take this phone, I think someone's forget his mobile
He replied, " But, what he is doing with his mobile in the dead end?
how can anyone forget his mobile in the dead end?
I said, "I don't know! but you please take this.
He replied, " sorry mam, I can't take the phone. Today is my last day here, I leaving my job. You can take this mobile today and come tomorrow to give it to our sweepers that they will give to our boss.
I said, " But, why should I come tomorrow, I can give it to othey sweepers here.
He replied, "yes but now is lunch time. every sweeper had gone outside to eat lunch and I don't go because I come late today that's why I am doing my job now!
I said, " okk, but why you are leaving your job?
He replied(rudely) , "IT DOESN'T MATTER FOR YOU!
And the he started sweeping.
I had come in the hospital to meet my friend's uncle. After meeting, I go to my office, sitting in the car I think the sweeper it is so rude but I dont think about it anymore. I have to go office and complete my article, as being a writer life would be so hard.
I go office and complete my work, feeling proud, like I have win a gold medal!!
It's 6:30 time to go home.
"feeling good, I have complete all my articles and work, nothing is left to do in home. Today I will sleep good, from some days I am not sleeping good because I have to complete my work, but nothing is left today" I said. My friends offered me to book a cab, but I refused I want to go walking.
.•♫•la laaa la la laaaa la laaa aaa laah•♫•
singing song while going home suddeny I remember about the mobile "where it is?
I checked my bag. Oh thanks God, It is in my bag. I remember about the kidnapping.
NO! I have to go puddupukur and save the girl.
Then I booked a cab and reach The Via's palaca.
I go into the palace, room 4th dark everywhere. Then suddenly, I Light blast out. My friends are there! saying happy birthday gausia
I surprised and shocked. what!!
my friend aly said, "It's a prank or surprise we have do to celebrate your birthday, Gausia"
I forget my birthday always but my friends always remember it!
cristle said, " I know, you are a true writer!
when you hear about the kidnapping I am 100% sure that you will come to save the girl every thing is a prank as the sweeper is also a prank''.
I laughed and then enjoy my birthday party.

Tonight, we enjoy very much with my 20 . more friend's on via's palace.