

"Girls can do, and they did !"
She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she......able to do it ?
Then answer is yes ! Despite chosing the hardest path she did it ! Because she was determined , hard working and had courage !

At a time when girls weren't encouraged to be bold and daring, Australian circus rider May Wirth lived by her own rules. Instead of just looking pretty on a fancy circus pony, she longed to do thrilling stunts that would amaze crowds with her courage and skill . . . So she did....having the triumph over it !

Deciding to become a leader is a challenge that will affect your whole life. It’s not just your job; becoming a leader affects your role as a mother, a spouse or partner, and your position in the family. It’s a daily challenge that you need to accept to become a better person and better leader. Like the decision you make to be a mother, the decision to take on leadership affects everything. Its not so much easy , but once we decide to do it then it's also not so much hard !
The thing that we want to pursue is not hard but our thoughts made it hard , because we start thinking that "it's impossible for me , because I am a girl ! " But this is now priven that girls can also do it , and can do even more than the boys !

Fortunately, I had a few women outside of work who influenced me in a big way, including my mum. She was a super smart lady and raised me to understand that I could accomplish anything I set my mind to. I also had some wonderful female teachers and professors who nurtured this sense that I could pursue my passions in life and that I wasn’t limited because I was a woman. I’ve tried to channel that mindset by being a leader who provides a springboard for others in their career—especially younger women. I’m trying to be the kind of role model that my mum and my teachers were for me. Really they helped me a lot in pursuing my dream and in difficult situation of my life ! I was always thought by my mother that be a hard working person , you can do everything wether you are a girl or a boy ! Being the girl is not the obstacle in your catching dream but being with those old thoughts is a great obstacle ! Now let's make the world realise that girls can do , and they did !



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