

Our nightmare.

It's just a little bit after 12:30p.m. The cops around here are starting to clock out and go home. City, County, even the state it you needed a officer they will be coming from Elkins it takes you a Hour and half to get here in my county. It's been known even if you've called in and needed help they may not. It's messed up. Don't ask me why we don't have a cop a officer on duty. We will around 4:30am in the morning they all start to come in.
Don't anyone be out walking the streets after 9:30 only if it's a emergency. 10:00pm don't you dare be no more than a whisper. from 12:30p.m. At night till 3:30a.m. all drug runs take place. In the darkness, in those hours there is Men sent out picking up the ones that didn't pay in time, or the ones that stepped them, anyone that has broken there rules. Didn't do as they said, how to be, who you can or couldn't talk to. If you live around here you better fit in with them your a outsider you'll be given a choose. I remember this young man just moved into wasn't here very long hard worker, honest, yes he was different but he didn't care. This guy didn't fear them at all. Not even a week after that he was missing. I remember one of the cops over hearing him talking to one of his buddies will find him, His body will show up. They found him next to the water plant a woman was walking her dog as she always did. Nothing else was said. People around here knows someone put his body there. Talk around here they kapt him alive up till they had to dump his body. It's been a while when they found this other outsider his body behind the cops house in the river. His body was put in a deep freezer up to that very day they throw him into the river. My good friend I grew up with him, He so they said he hung his self in the day on his front porch. That's what his girlfriend said. He wasn't suicidal, that night before he called me and my grandmother told us that stuff was getting heavy, that he was given a choose, he turned it down. He told me he wasn't going to be someone he wasn't that they can go ahead and kill him. It was before day light he called told me there were people there then the went dead. it breaks my heart knowing his son from the window watched his dad be killed. They left his body hang there all day till dark. The ems one of the guys that worked for them was there with one of the cops the whole time. People asked why didn't anyone try to save his life, how could he had done that. Everyone knew him and they knew he was happy Loved his life. The funny thing is it wasn't even a week after he passed his girlfriend, was dating that ems guy that was there. I can go on and on about the things that goes on around here. That will be another time. I really don't understand why people are so scared of them. can't lie I can see how knowing the things they do. These past almost 3 years have been hell. There's not a day that they make sure I don't forget what I done. 2008 I went uncover, Didn't need to do anything wasn't going to jail for anything, I didn't ask for money anything, Told Boss lady I wanted to do something make sure my children and others wouldn't have to go throw what I had and others that I wanted my home town back to how it was when my granny was young. I wanted to put a stop to all this . Here's the thing if you ever come here there's only one stop light, they haven't finished the round a about yet, if you take your time you will see who owns this town who runs everything, on main street there's 4 churches, you go down going to the school 3. Coming my way 5 churches. The biggest church on main Street if you come here if your homeless need help in someway you would be lucky if you get help. By God almighty if your a drug dealer they help. The churches help push drugs around here. I knew when I made that choose to be apart of there little thing I couldn't ever get out only if they let me or by death. 4 years I was there CI the deal was if I did what ever they wanted and how ever part of their group what ever you want to call them 'CCC" became one of them when ever I wanted out I could.My grandmother told me they wouldn't keep their deal. I've heard that too. Almost 3 years ago I made the phone call, even told them face to face I was done That I wanted out. I got laught at. My uncle told me to call the FBI, you couldn't tell you who all I've called. It started slow them making sure I knew, understood, that they had the say. I to made sure they knew I meant everything. Everything I had sat back, or saw them do to others begen to happen to me. Yes, at one time I was scared. They know what I did, They now realize That whole time when I was doing what I was doing I was getting what I needed to to put them away. It's only been 2 weeks since the officer stopped by here told me that I wouldn't make it out of here. He tried to make a deal with me if I would be still, and not turn anything in that I could go free. Maybe I made things wrost for me. Telling him that it has already begun he was to slow. I have people keeping a eye on me, they do their best to make sure I don't get killed. But here I am here every day if I don't do as I'm told, I'm beaten, raped, something. It's as they are hoping I would give up.
© carolyn L Barbe