

Corona and You, The Battle World is Fighting!
Life has always been a Battle!
And Shall Remain as a Battle Untill You are on this Planet.

Sometimes, You Fight with Emotions.
Sometimes, You Fight with Hatred.
Sometimes, You Fight with Situations.
And Sometimes You Even Fight with Yourself!!

Yes, The Fight with Yourself is the Only Phase You Fight with a Disease or a Health Disorders.

As We can See, What's the World is Now Fighting!! They are Fighting with themself to Defeat a Disease. Offcourse You Getting me Right!

I am talking about the Battle Against Corona ( Covid 19 Virus )

So, Let me Give you some kind of My tips which may not win you, but Will Surely Make you Strong in this Battle.

Talking about the Tips, as a Doctor and A Volunteer of this Battle, I have something I found which could make you Strong during this Battle. So let's take a look on this and Try to Follow this Tips to...