

{ insomnia }
I shut my eyes tight and sighed heavily. A couple hours already passed yet I still lay wide awake on my empty bed in this dreary night.
I tossed and turned on the cold sheets when I couldn't find a comfortable place to ease my nerves. As my eyes averted on every corner of my dark room,my eyes finally came upon the ceiling where the light of the moon illuminated the plain space.
I pondered over the things I did lately this morning,how I woke up exhausted, moved along with the people I never consider existed and never look anybody at the eye for once. I don't wanna stare at their facade nor to identify if they are really genuine ; I just don't have the energy to do so as all this time I am being tired.
Tired of staying awake all night with my own devil and soul to accompany me. So weary to move along for another day when it only seems unneeded to do so.
What do I have to do now?
Do I even have a real choice to do a certain decision when my mind is pure vague and uncertain?
I blinked my eyes close only to feel the welcoming numbness that dug a hole within me. Just like a void creature who serves nothing in purpose.
This thing called insomnia is just a fragment of the monster who hauntingly devour my entire being.
As he is just one of my favorite companion who never fail to make me go over the edge.

© jyannu