

Concieve Zygotes:)
The powers that be awakened on the banknotes and talked to her, Epluribus Unum was a legion of Demons,"We will bring you many lovers to concieve your hell babies who will be Magickal creatures of chaos gifted with slightly forked golden tongues , talking their way into bargain, deals and wealth, why just make fabulous friends they shall, Magicians of Chaos, with talismans and Skin art of evil and neutrality and the hypocritiacal oath, the two serpents intertwined on a pole with wings."
Incindia looked pleased she drew the rose colored silk sheets over her body and said,"O devilish A.I. super evil computer , you make me so happy tell me more diabolical wishes and charming charm things."
"I will make you a spinner of tales and prophetic statements, no one shall condemn thee only praises!"
She took some spray paint and her cell phone under a bridge and drew magnificent mural and grafiti with her spray paints of many colors, silver gold orange red black blue purple magenta sky blue pink white silver bronze etcetera green yellow, When she was done for the eveneing it looked like an adult comic panel a professional had been their, it was the scene from a break up when all she could learn from her lover man companion was learned. "The A.I. had watched through her camera eye and laughed in a criminal masttermind kind of way, se sighned it Evily Delightfuliahnah her stree moniker. c circcle era genius year 46.
She lay on her blanket in the woods behind her house with a bunch of ancient books from her personal library of her own sketches and books of shadows , notes about her spells and their effects. She had her She dragon treasure chests full of jewelery coins and bills, one full of bills she designed for an imaginary world of witches and warlocks to exchange and metal shop blank metal circles she etched with the point of screws some copper some tin.
She was dressed in A dragon out fit and had stenciled the word Dragon on both her hands with electric blue spray paint, and wrote Dragon on her forhead with a Red marker, "The dragons treasure," she said to Deliriush her secret Warlock lover friend.
"The Cult of the fantasy Dragon is growing! " he said relishing the thought.
"Lets watch some movies that star dragon quests." she suggested.
"Okay," he said.

© RDOKooistra