

The Story Of A Swordsman | Echelon One : Swordsman Origins

"In the depths of my loneliness, I found solace in stories. As far back as my memory serves me, my mother has been weaving tales that transported me to bygone eras. She spoke of an age of serenity, where the Gods guided humanity with the balance of the Five Elements - Air, Water, Fire, Light, and Earth - for three millennia. However, this harmony was shattered by the Darklord's rebellion against the Gods, plunging the world into the devastating MagnaWar that lasted 24 years. The war brought only cruelty and destruction, leaving deep scars on the survivors. The Swordsmen, esteemed for their prowess, played a crucial role in ending the war and defeating the Darklord. The Four Swordsmen - Diego, Malin, Tyler, and Roger - emerged as heroes, hailed as the saviors of MagnaWar. They founded a village, Four Shards, for those who lost their homes.

Forty-three years have passed since then, and I, Ardor, live in Four Shards with my mother, my guardian angel. Her stories have become an integral part of me, inspiring me to become a hero like them. Though I haven't accomplished anything yet, I assure you, my journey is about to begin.

This is my story - 'The Story of a Swordsman.'

"It all started with a friendly match between Ardor, and Master Cyrus's best student, Alex. The match took a brutal turn, leaving both of them injured and creating a conflict in the village. The villagers sought revenge, but Cyrus and Alex refused. Amidst this turmoil, someone took advantage of the situation and murdered his mother. Consumed by rage, Ardor unleashed his powers as a Fire Imperior, destroying half of the village.

For 17 years, no one had possessed the ability to wield the elements. But during their friendly match, he revealed his powers. Alex was hospitalized during the village's destruction, and when he emerged, he tried to handle the situation. However, he got his left hand burned badly in the process. As Ardor prepared to deliver the final blow, an earthly hand appeared out of nowhere and punched me. It turned out that Alex was the Earth Imperior."

"A massive battle ensued, the Ultimate Battle between Fire and Earth. In the end, Alex used his element to connect their minds, suppressing Ardor's element, bringing him under control. As Ardor regained consciousness, they sat there for a while, talking. He was consumed by sadness and anger, driven by my desire to kill the man who murdered his mother.

Just then, the murderer appeared before them. Ardor was furious, but Alex pointed out the sword in his hand - Erefor. Only one person in the village possessed Erefor: Master Cyrus. But something was off about him; his eyes had turned completely black. Alex explained that Master Cyrus was under the influence of Darkness, the Sixth Element, rumored to be destroyed by Diego, the strongest swordsman ever known.

Alex elaborated that elements are the fundamental creators of nature and cannot be destroyed. Each element represents a aspect of nature: Fire to burn, Water to heal, Air to fly, Land to walk, Light to see, and Darkness to not . The six elements determine a person's character, and whichever element dominates influences their personality.

Since Master Cyrus was under the influence of Darkness, someone must have infected him. The problem was that only one person can possess one of the five elements, but Darkness can be possessed by multiple individuals, and it spreads in series. To save someone from Darkness, you either kill the one who infected them or kill the person. With the real culprit unknown, they had only the second option.

Ardor and Alex tried to capture Master Cyrus, but he was their master. Ardor struggled to control his element, and Alex was exhausted. They disarmed him, but he created two more hands from Darkness, along with weapons, and pushed Ardor aside to attack Alex. Seeing his friend about to die, Ardor's fear and helplessness were palpable. But Master Cyrus was fighting not to kill Alex, only damaging his forehead and making him unconscious. Blood poured out of Master Cyrus's mouth as he saw his own Erefor piercing through his chest, and Ardor sobbing with his hands on the hilt. The only words Master Cyrus uttered were 'Well Done'."

"Ardor held Master Cyrus as he fell, and he convinced Ardor that he had done nothing wrong. With his last breath, Master Cyrus told Ardor, 'Don't give up till your last breath.'

Then, Ardor looked around, but Alex was nowhere to be found. He only found Alex's blade. The fire that had been destroying the village was extinguished, and the villagers emerged to see Ardor holding a blood-stained blade, standing beside Master Cyrus's lifeless body. Everyone started yelling, throwing rocks, and hurling insults. Ardor sat there, blaming himself.

That's when Mighty, Ardor's buddy boar, appeared. Mighty was not just a pet but a loyal companion who had saved Ardor in the first battle between Ardor and Alex. Ardor got on Mighty's back and escaped the hostile situation.

Ardor and Mighty reached a nearby water stream, where Ardor tried to clean the blood stains from the sword forcibly. He was devastated, feeling responsible for everything - his mother's death, Master Cyrus's demise, and Alex's disappearance. He tried to force Mighty to leave him, fearing he would get Mighty killed too. As Mighty left, Ardor broke down in tears, reminiscing about his moments with his mother and Master Cyrus.
Exhausted, he dozed off, he heard a voice in his head - Alex's voice.

Meanwhile, the story flashed back to the time of the friendly match between Ardor and Alex. Master Cyrus was preparing a welcome ceremony for Sare Ajaks, the son of Tyler, one of the founders of the village. Sare Ajaks, a 50-year-old blind man with a powerful voice, returned to the village after a long time. Master Cyrus and Village Head Jude welcomed him, but Sare Ajaks's speech slowly revealed the truth - the villagers had been restricted from the outside world. The ceremony was interrupted by Master Cyrus's students carrying Alex unconscious"

"Ajaks learned about the situation and asked Master Cyrus to talk to Ardor, as his presence and powers threatened the lives of his mother, himself, and the entire village. He metaphorically indicated that they were all under some kind of supervision, isolated within the village.

Coming back to Present, Alex regained consciousness, finding himself tied in chains and hanging in the middle of a room. Ajaks stood before him, revealing his dark black eyes.
Alex unable to control his element, struggled.
Ajaks said that he was very surprised, coming back to the village years later, finding two Imeriors within a day. He revealed himself to be the real culprit behind, with his motive to destroy the village. Alex stretched his foot to touch the Ground. He smiled, saying, 'You won't be alive till sunrise.' Ajaks asked, 'How?' The left wall of the room then blasted open.

Meanwhile, Ardor, who had dozed off after crying, woke up to Alex's voice in his head. Alex had used the earth element to sense and locate Ardor. He told Ardor that Imperiors could communicate through their elements and revealed that Ajaks was behind everything. Ardor took both Alex's and Master Cyrus's swords and started running furiously, guided by Alex. He reached where they with so many of the Master's students guarding Ajaks unaware of the real situation.

Ardor couldn't convince them and had to fought his peers, who were brainwashed by Ajaks, and finally reached the mansion. He sensed Alex and Ajaks inside and stormed in. Alex was tied in chains that restricted his element use but were vulnerable to physical attacks. Ardor freed Alex, and they prepared for the final showdown.

Under the moonlight, Alex and Ardor faced Ajaks. Ajaks fled through a hole Ardor created, leading them into the forest. Ardor followed, despite Alex's attempts to stop him. Ajaks attacked Ardor with dark vines, but Ardor's sword turned red hot, indicating his element was trying to help. However, Ajaks tied Ardor in chains, restricting his movements and element use.

Alex searched for them but couldn't find them until he heard Ardor screaming. He ran towards the sound and came across Mighty, Ardor's buddy boar. Alex befriended Mighty, the way Ardor mentioned. Gazing into his eyes, walking towards him slowly, and kissing his horn. Mighty licked him back, indicating friendship.

As Ajaks tortured Ardor, Alex jumped on him to attack. Ajaks caught Alex with his vines, saying, 'You think I can't sense you?' Alex replied, 'I know, but you certainly cannot sense this.' Mighty then hit and threw Ajaks into the woods, giving Alex the chance to free Ardor and destroy the chains."

Ardor struggled to control his element, and Alex tried to calm him down. Ardor's memories flashed back to a moment with his mother, where she asked him to promise her to always protect himself, not just others. Ardor's blade caught fire, and he jumped into action, cutting the vines and kicking Ajaks down.

A massive battle ensued, with Ardor and Alex working together to take down Ajaks. They noticed Ajaks slowing down and weakened, so they made a plan to attack him simultaneously. Ardor cut all of Ajaks' vines and damaged his body, but Ajaks released dark energy, repelling both of them. Ardor balanced himself but Alex hit a tree and fell.

Ardor stood up, seeing Alex fallen and Ajaks ready to finish him off. Without thinking, Ardor ran towards Ajaks, jumped higher, and prepared to attack. He remembered Master Cyrus' words about acquiring a powerful hit by concentrating all energy and strength.

Ajaks amused by this foolish act decided to kill him with one blow. Shockingly, he found himself unable to attack and rocks all around his body joints, blocking his movements. Alex revealed himself coming out of the ground and the fallen Alex was an Earthly figure.

Ardor concentrated his energy and attacked Ajaks, but his sword was stopped mid-air by Ajaks' bare hands. Alex, still on the ground, sensed Ajaks concentrating energy to release again. He screamed, pressurized his rocks on Ajaks' shoulders, and broke off his hands. Ardor made a clean cut from his left shoulder to right waist, dividing Ajaks' body, but energy was released, pushing Alex back and sending Ardor flying.

Alex opened his eyes, lying in the wreckage, and saw red eyes glowing in the darkness. But as they came closer, he realized it was Ardor, alive and fierce.

Ardor handed Alex his sword, telling him not to lose it again. His eyes returned to normal, but he vomited blood and fell to his knees. Alex helped him up, and they walked slowly, hearing Mighty struggling in the distance. Ardor ran to Mighty, hugged him. Realising, it might be the end for might, he sang the same song his mother used to sing to him.

As Ardor sang, an energy emerged from him, healing Mighty's wounds. Alex was shocked, and they both cried and Ardor fell unconscious. Alex took Ardor, got on Mighty, and ran towards the village. The villagers, including Alex's peers, were ready to kill Ardor, but Alex defended him, saying he would protect him even if it meant dying.

Village Head Jude calmed Alex down and called for Regan and Germy to take Ardor and Alex to the infirmary. Jude revealed that he had been hiding the truth from everyone, a truth that might shatter their beliefs. He explained that years ago, he, Cyrus, Diego's sons, Malin's daughter, and Cyrus' sister, Ajaks were all friends. However, a catastrophe struck when a war was calling upon them, and many of their loved ones died.

Ajaks returned with his eyes injured, telling them they had lost. He was against the village's decision to bend to their enemies, but Jude and Master Cyrus agreed to it. Ajaks left the village.

Jude explained that after their massive battle, he found Ajaks alive but in pieces. Ajaks blamed Diego for his father's death and resented the village. He betrayed them at the war but cards turned on him when people he worked for decided to pardon the village and Jude & Cyrus accepted. Years later, finding himself weakened and dying but still filled with the desire to destroy Four Shards, he came back. He tried to inspire war to the people, but Alex disrupted his plans.He then used Ardor as an opportunity but yet failed.

Two months passed, and Ardor woke up. Alex found him missing and knew where he would be - at the cemetery, sitting before the graves of his mother and master. Alex offered him bread and told him they found his mother's ashes, but didn't know her name to carve on the stone. Ardor carved "Saman" on the stone, and Alex revealed that Saman was Master Cyrus' sister's name, who died in Diego's house fire. However, Jude told Ardor that he was Saman's son, making him the bastard son of Levin, Diego's adopted son.

Ardor joined the village's rebuilding efforts and was assigned to work with Regan and Germy.
It is said that when God created man's body

1. He concentrated Light which represents soul
2. He covered it with Earth , making the body
3. Give it water , making him flexible
4. Then Air, for Breathing and connecting to the environment
5. And at Last Fire , that gives heat and Life

When a person dies , the funeral is done in the reverse order
First body is burnt with fire
And the ashes are divided into four parts
First part to be flowed with air
Second to be flowed with water
Third part to be buried in ground
And creating the grave
The last part is meant to put in a holy goblet just before sunrise
Which turns the ashes into light
Said to be the moment of the souls escaping

They were tasked with taking bags of ashes to a holy goblet, which would turn the ashes into light, symbolizing the souls' escape. On their way, they encountered a gang of Morshas, a cannibal tribe, and lost one bag containing Ajaks' ashes. Regan convinced Ardor to retrieve the bag, as Ajaks' soul needed to find peace.

They found the Morshas' settlement and proposed a plan, but Regan attacked them on her own, using the Element of Surprise. The three fought together, and Regan got injured while retrieving the packet. They hid in a cave, and Ardor protected Regan and Germy by luring the Morshas away. Together, they knocked the Morshas out and found the goblet. They spent the night there and, at dawn, put the ashes into the goblet, which turned into sparkling light and vanished.

The time for the Swordsman selection had arrived, and Ardor, along with other potential Swordsmen, had to undergo a trial to enter the Cave of Falsehood. Ardor entered the cave, surpassing obstacles with his intellect, and eventually found a crystal. As he exited the cave, he was met with a shocking sight: Jude lay dead, and the village was in ruins. Regan and Germy's bodies broke his heart.

Alex appeared, revealing that he had killed everyone, seeking freedom from the Swordsmen's slave-like existence. Ardor refused to join him, leading to a fierce battle. Ardor tried to capture Alex, but Alex forced him to kill him. As Ardor cried, everything turned to dust, and he woke up tangled in vines.

A mysterious figure freed him, and Ardor chased after him, leading to a chamber with the All-element crystal. The figure explained that the vines created an illusion, making him fight the person he loved most and gave him a piece of crystal. Ardor left the cave to find everything normal, and everyone alive. He met Alex, who told him that everything in the cave was an illusion.

Ardor met his assigned forger, Phegot Ralsh, a woman, who asked for his sword design. Ardor was empty-handed, so Phegot showed him designs from past Swordsmen. Ardor decided to forge his own unique sword, inspired by every blade. He designed a blade but struggled to find a suitable hilt. Phegot helped him find Roger's design, which Ardor chose for his sword's hilt. Phegot forged the blade, and Ardor named it "Rage," with the crystal piece at its center. Ardor took the Swordsman vows, becoming a full-fledged Swordsman alongside 86 others, including Alex. Jude offered him a place in the village, which Ardor accepted.

Ardor still wondered about the unknown man's identity, thinking he might be another illusion. Jude offered Ardor a place to live in the village, which he accepted. While packing his belongings from his childhood home, Alex helped him. Ardor discovered a trunk his mother had never let him touch, containing clothes and a diary written in an unknown language.

As they tried to move the trunk, they found it was anchored to the ground. Lifting it revealed a hidden hole with ladders, leading to a door with symbols in God's Tongue. Alex recognized the symbol of Strength, worn by Diego, and another symbol meaning blood. Ardor cut his palm, and his blood opened the door, revealing a vast library and a chamber with life-depicting candles, one burning with the name Kyl.

Alex explained that Kyl, Diego's son, was considered dead but might still be alive. As Levin's son and Diego's adopted grandson, Ardor realized Kyl was his uncle and only living family member. They informed Jude, who was busy, and waited in the hall room, admiring paintings of great personalities and reading a quote on the wall: "No matter where you come from... It is the spark residing in your heart That Ignites the Flame."

Ardor decided to leave the village to find Kyl, bidding farewell to Alex. As he stepped outside. he recalled Jude's warning: "Outside Four Shards, there lies fear, The Fear of Rheus."
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