

The old Fort
I walked on a sunday afternoon, in a nice park. Suddenly.... an old fort became a real history story.

I settled down on a couch, took my book. While flipping through my story, I felt into a deep sleep.
My dreams became reality. It was a very strange action... due to an oncoming noise.....It seemed to be a cadence of soldiers. They were coming out of the bushes. Some of them sneaked through the undergrowth.
Hurry, HURRY..... Look out!
They have to hurry for the sake of the enemy. The soldiers had to hide quickly in the fort! The only reason of the escape was: they were startled by heavy artillery and gunfire.
The men quickly ran away just a little bit in my direction, along the path towards the bunker.

I woke up and in front of me there was a man in uniform. He wanted to make something clear to me.
Finally I realized.... He was the park ranger who just woke me up. The man wanted to notify me that the fort was closing.....
Happily... was it only a history dream!
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