

My inner child.
My inner child keep holding to the past heartache I had.
Now I realized how people implanted me this kind of scenario where now it has a big impact in my life.
In my elementary days they thought me how to hold grudge with teachers who bully my state of poverty, including my looks.They also thought me that I should not believe in myself which they always brag that I am not intelligent in math .
Highschool days, people around me thought me that I should never have the rights to be loved ,to be praised and to be special.
Insecurity has arise when I'm in highschool when everyone seem so far to reach .
College days I have to take a civil engineering which is not my personal choice .
My life in college days are now rebuilding in my looks and confidence but people around me constantly ruining everything.
Teachers I used to admire always say a words that can hurt me ,shame me infront of others and it feels like I don't belong in this world.
I hope this coming days myself will be healed from the past pain I've got from the people who became the reason why I can't accept myself.

@niña's work