

Let's do something for the next generation
Book entitled
The vision, the word and salvation
Written by Apostle Bonifácio

Title:Let us do something for the next generation

Brethren,i was searching for a good and holy way to thank the living God Yahweh the Maker of all things visible and invisible for He does greatest things to all those whom He loves.

Yesterday,the Lord Almighty performed great things which no one can perform.

We have the imitator on this age,he bribe people making them falling into darkness,but he will never be like God the Supreme Father.

God created me with so much love...I am that blood of Adam and Eve who allowed the evil spirits to instruct me to do what is against the law of Jehovah God.I fell into sin and then I embraced the death.

I gave myself into a punishment because I accepted the liar to control me.

My deeds pleased the devil.
I enjoyed the darkness,but my Maker wasn't happy for the life I was living because He brought me into this world for a better purpose.

One day the salvation called my Name,the wicked demons helped me to hesitate to step out and leave de devil...But God kept calling my Name for it was a time for me to serve Christ.

Finally,i ran away from the land of the wicked,and God wasn't calling to just take me home,He wanted to just remind me that "my Son Jesus Christ died for Your sins,He needs you,that if you accept that He is the Lord and Saviour,way,truth and life" then you will be shown His footsteps in order for you to follow Him",I did...and now I feel that the heaven is very near.

God is not dead.
Jesus cares about all those whom He chose to sit and eat the dinner with,when His feast begins.

I have a lot to write down for the upcoming generations...and I pray to Almighty Father that He grant me the power to write more the word which will bring the youth closer to Lord Jesus Christ.

Supreme God,i am very sorry for hiding the talents you granted me,by this time I would be far with my cross on my shoulders,please strengthen me to enjoy this holy burden In order for me to preach *The vision,the word and salvation*,I ask this through the very same Christ the holy light of Jehovah God.

Son & the
Holy Spirit.Amen

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