The Murderous Mirror Pt. 14
5:15 pm - When the lights turned back on you could only hear Ben gasping for air, panicked from the fear of the unknown. The room was small enough to turn in one circle and see that Luna had left the room when the lights blacked out. The lights still didn't make sense it wasnt storming or snowing. Unless something or someone did this on purpose. When Ben started to deepen his breaths even more than before the man in the bed started to panic. Before he could know what was going on Ben took off running down the hall dodging nurses like a human obstacle course. While running down the hall you could hear the man shrieking from his room because he was not able to see. When Ben turned back around to face the direction he was running he almost ran into a nurse trying to do her job. When he finally arrived to Annabelles room Annabelle was sitting up straight, on her bed there was a red splotch near where her midsection would be. Yet she didn't look in pain. Nor did she look curious about why he sprinted down the hall and almost knocked...