

school 🏫 life journey - no love

Life is multidimensional and continuous journey. The journey contains some breaks as one journey ends, another begins. On the way to such a journey there is one of the most important and interesting periods of life i.e School life.
I too have interesting and memorable school experiences.
There are many aspects of school life having a lot of happiness and memories but there is one which is special and it recreates my mind whenever it passes through my past memories. As I was the most notorious child in my class, One day I was flying a paper aeroplane in the class and it touched a girl by mistake. Suddenly she screamed and the whole class calmed down.
The reason was that she was the topper of the class.
This incident didn't stop here, the entire class started teasing me by adding her name to my Name These things also misled me and I started following her. It was just more than enough for her and one day she called me outside the class and told me something with a very angry accent. Here my one journey ends as she told me that she was the topper of the class and I was the failure of the class, so don't try to follow her, it's not worthy. This thing shook me deep inside and here my another journey begins.
I took her sentences as a challenge and started studying with my full strength and a goal. These proper studies also changed my behavior and after some time I became the 2nd topper of the class in the next final exam. The teacher and the entire class was l shocked and specially she was totally shocked. This incident also made my life disciplined and decent. One day she again called me and said sorry for that day and also propped me to be her better half. Now we are best friends and my family is also very happy with me.
Now, you can also say it is the most interesting and important experience of my school life. Everything is now as usual.
I nh

Message for one and all----- if one has an opportunity to show the hidden talent then wing e must go for it and be an inspiration for remaining
Because this time is a learning stag of our life i.e here nothing wrong and right. One should only care for view and sublime thoughts.


© shourya s. mishra