

Belief in the Akhirah
While everything in this illusionary world has its pros and cons but the only thing that has only pros and no cons is being a Muslim and that's why being a Muslim I feel blessed and I guess that's why most of the time my heart is filled with gratitude.
Where Allah(SWT) has bestowed His uncountable blessings upon us at the same time He has given us a beautiful and precious belief: The belief in Akhira or the hereafter.
The essence and the beauty of the belief lie in the way it makes us strive against all the odds and ends.
A few days back while I was working my mind abruptly turned towards the sufferings of life but before getting into the deepness of that thought(depression) suddenly a thought overcame me.

The thought was "This world is temporary and nothing here lasts forever, this shall too pass".

Such a small thought and what a long-lasting effect!

My feelings at that moment were entirely different as everything seemed perfect and far better in the hope of something best to come.

The same is the case when some calamity befalls or someone harms you either intentionally or unintentionally. In these scenarios instead of overreacting or retaliation, you hand over it to Allah, the supreme power. And you believe that if not in this world but hereafter, you will receive your reward for your patience and those who caused you to harm will be accountable to the Creator of this immense world.

This belief not only helps to strive but also broadens the mind and viewpoints. While Keeping that belief in mind one can see things far beyond the capacity of a common human mind in comparison to those who don't believe

It is a source of peace and harmony because when you know you are accountable for yourself then you don't bother others and keep your checks on yourself rather than on others.

That's how the light gets in and that's what life is all about...
© Azra Khan