

Live Your Life
If you're given with an choice of a life with satisfaction or happiness or excitement, always go for the last one.
A satisfied life will give you happiness and peacefulness but life will become quiet after sometime.! You'll feel numb if you're satisfied with what you're going through all the days... Always leave space for some unfulfilled wishes and be hungry for it!!
A happy life is quite funny but boring if it stays forever.. Sorrows make happiness precious. Never choose to be happy all day along... Don't be happy always!!
A life with excitements will light the fire in you. Imagine you being at the top of the world,, falling down from the sky to the ocean,, swimming with dolphins,, laughing your heart out,, walking through the lives you've never lived. That's what life is all about.!!
Take risks. Walk alone. Try something.!!
Life is all about living your life. Not just surviving!!