

Get up again
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and she wondered if she would win this time around.
The last failure had left a terrible taste in her mouth. It had changed her life forever. She never even knew she could ever have the tiniest courage to stand up and try again.

The memories kept ambulating in her mind like a bird too scared to land. She had to focus. She was losing balance and all she could think of was how the fell the last time, she had not even gone far, she fell and could not stand up. How could this be? She was one of the most hardworking and she trained the hardest, how could she fall before she barely made any move. Looking at the crowd she saw the expression of disappointment on their faces. She cried as she was carried away on the stretcher. Her dreams were over.

were they?

She found a very thin strength, she did not know where it came from, but she found herself standing up again, hope revived she wanted to run again. The fears were not gone but she was ready to face it. How? she does not know but she won't take chances.

Through the thoughts she heard the gunshot. It's now or never. This is the time to prove to the world that she can do it, to erase that expression of disappointment off their faces and make them proud. She fought her way through, almost breathless.

Her determination was higher this time. For her, it was all she could afford to do which is to win and that was exactly what she did, she hit the ribbon and her mind came back to the race. She had won.

Then she woke in her room with the bandage on her leg, she knew she had to get up again.