

23. The plan
Mia's P.O.V

Luca promised me that day that he would help me get the justice I deserve and that's when we started our plan.

Dimitri wasn't ok with the plan at first because he still sees Dominic as a brother and he doesn't want him hurt so we decided not to kill him.

All of us including my family and Dimitri made a plan to bring Dominic to a stop but before we went on with that plan I made sure Ziquin put a spell on my room so Dominic won't come for me after we kill his partner in crime Ace.

I was told that Ace is the source of Dominic's evil behavior so I'll kill her because from what I remembered she was the one who tortured me Dominic tortured me also but not as cruel as her.

"Ok so the plan is for Mia to attack Dominic all by herself let him think that no one knows Mia came to attack him and then if I know Dominic right he'll kidnapped her again and try to pissed Dimitri off and when he's distracted with Mia we'll come in and kill ace" said Luca.

"That's dumb that would never work and what if he goes crazy when we kill the bitch" said Devin.

"You have a better idea," said Dimitri.

"Guys it's this or I kill Dominic" I said.

"Fine we'll go with Luca's dumb plan like come on Luca you used to make better plans than this I think your getting a bit rusty" said Benjamin.

"Oh shut it,so you would go to the human world tomorrow Mia and we would follow in the shadows ok" said Luca.

I am so grateful for their help. I would never expect them to be so caring and helpful. I can't believe that they would go against their own brother to help me.

Some part of me can't help but think that Dimitri did more to Dominic than take his woman away. I know there's more to the story and everytime I ask Dimitri the full story behind Dominic's hatred for him he ignores me or tries to change the topic.

I wonder why it's so hard for him to tell me the full story. Maybe he's afraid I would look at him differently.

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