

My Own Story
When I was a little girl, I felt that I was always special, everyone loved me and cared about me. But while growing up, I realised that I was completely wrong. That was just a consideration of being the little one. I was just like everyone else, struggling to become someone. The more I cared, the more it hurt. I lost many friends and the most painful was the loss of my so-called best friend. I became distant to everyone. They talked behind my back, like a lot, saying I am a bad hearted soul. Little did they know about the heavy stone that I carried, struggling with the pain of being unable to open up. I knew that I was falling into depression, but I was afraid of getting noticed. Also, I didn't know how to explain what I was feeling. So, I decided to fight against it all by myself. After so many days and months of weeping, struggling and overthinking I made myself to understand a few things. The most important among them was to love myself. Honestly, self - love changed me a lot. Remember, you only live once. Live your life to its fullest. Never place anyone above yourself. Once you realise the worth of yourself, you will see the change, I swear.
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