

drive yourself crazy
Everyone calls you crazy when it comes to excute what your heart wants. Just be sound and implement it. Trust your crazy idea. And once you achieve it then it will become an achievable and nominal thing for everyone and they will digest it. First, they will make fun of you then copy you. This immiation will be clearly visible. Visible over time. You will know that how much they are inspired by you and simultaneously, envy you. You know what guys, I am thinking of starting a club. A club where positivity and humanity will be honoured with conscience. It will be named as "Humanity with Conscience" club. In my club I will buck up people with the positive energy and charge them up 100% to follow their dreams. As, once you start following your dreams, you are unstoppable one and the most powerful one to take off the best idea of your entire life; like this was the serene moment you have been waiting for. The courage you have is unbeatable. There is no competition because you chased ur insanity to be here.
Everyone, I guess everyone has one crazy dream in life, atleast, to be fulfilled in his or her lifetime. So, just go ahead and live the life of your dreams. Everyone has the right to be happy and satisfied. You know, when your crazy idea will be achieved then you will be triumphant and calm enough to lead others that are similar to your level one of struggle.
For me, breaking your comfort zone is the key rule to success. Don't lisen to anyone! Not even to your fearful heart to help failure reach you. Positivity with determination is success in disguise. Be a warrior of your story! Don't listen to shattering thoughts and gossips. The demons around you and inside you will kill you. Firstly, for not doing something then secondly, not being capable of something. So, just irritate yourself enough to touch peak milestones of your wish mountain. Focus! Focus on your excelling core idea of life and give meaning to it. The meaning that no one understands but you do. Don't lack your confidence rather show it up. If a frog can get itslef out from a big hole, why can't you? Think about it! If a tortoise can win a race, why can't you? If a bird can build a nest, why can't you? Question yourself, irritate yourself! Pinch yourself enough, enough to attain something valuable to you in your life. Confronting your fears will help you! You may be last one for everyone in the line of success but not the least one to have it. Go and conquer the world. It's yours! Be your own essence, a perfume no one else can be. A spell bottle of anaesthesia no one can ever get rid of and inhales deep!
© msaminafy