

The Soul of life
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Thoughts and imaginations rolled on.It's pressure circulates throughout the body and energised and pushed towards the heart.Pulmonary contraction and relaxation withstand.Shivering develops and successively leading to an involuntary action.
When I left that surgical ward that foot steps chased me.Am I afraid of that? Who is he?Whether he saw that incident or not?Or has he imagined something?Whether informed the hospital authorities?informed the police?Sometime he is trying to catch me and handed over to police?What is his motive?Or hide it and want to blackmail me for ever?
Is there any evidence left?No,I don't look over.I can't remember. Before any more happenings..I left that room or whether he also came there for the same action?With same motive?If so I want to know whom he is?What relation he has to that patient?
An acute lung cancer patient,a resident in our area...my distant neighbour...For about an year she was in a miserable condition.Though suffering from illness,she didn't tell this to anyone.Her husband died for about four years back because of intestinal cancer.No children they have!
Both of them were interested in reading musical instruments.He had conducted musical concerts. She didn't but encouraged him.She sometimes asked me about my grandmother,who was a music teacher ...her classmate!...Her friend!.Many of her far relatives came to take care of her but slowly some of them went back.All those who aimed her wealth went back because he had transferred some of her money to charitable institutions and the rest to a boy of small age who wish to become a musician and doing very well in his studies.
What will be the life nearing death?Old age?What will be one's way of life towards death?In different stages?Variations in aims ?Variations in reviews?
With dreams unleashed? Ambitions diminished? Mind discouraging with less strength....No new dreams..Nightmares...Nothing can be packed off for this journey...by which soul alone is the traveller...to be once again in that place....in that circumstances can't happen...so what a valuable minutes and seconds we have in hand?What a valuable persons of ours are there around us?We can't regain them and they can't regain us once more...even if the soul can't be destroyed!
In this travel ,the meeting between all of us is not certain.All are in their own path...in their specific path.None other can share the effects of one's action.No companionship and mingling of soul happen!
If death is a bodily travel...I mean...Soul along with the entire body...if with our family,relatives ,friends,wellwishers and not in darkness...but in the well lighted circumstances...stepping to other world...I can love this death also...
Face to face with that old woman...her old age....I can understand about old age...death...I want to be born and bought up here...once more..in this circumstances unchanged but not want to live in rebirths...
When sufferings were too painful..She secretly said about euthanasia...No one will ask...No one will regret...No one will come for argument.No one will disappoint...
Death is peaceful here..where the burden of life has put down.Abandoning everything within the limit.Even the body too..
Only two far relatives were sitting beside her.It was the fourth stage of cancer.There were no hope of living...critical situation continues....uneasiness in breathing...a bag valve mask is fitted...a cylinder of oxygen is pumbed into the mouth and nose,at the time of air blockage...She asked me to put out that cylinder for minutes...at the time of air blockage.
How?How? a thought.....a while..a few seconds....minutes...hours?Considering her consent,It was a suicide!Considering my action,It was a crime.To which side will the sin goes?Is it belongs to me?Or her?
As I am staring the cylinder for a long time,I feared and checked its position for a while..I heared sounds of talking outside.Do they found fault with me?whether I am guilty and is trying to do a crime and so escaped.
That foot steps behind came near me and asked"Why are you afraid?What is the reason for your fear in the surgical ward"he was a nursing assistant in uniform!
No...nothing had happened yet.I am not a sinner..I am not a killer...It is her vision...her need.....I didn't...do anything till now!
"No,I am rushing to inform the doctor about her critical condition?What medicines shall we give in this moment?Yesterday doctor told me to discharge the patient as there were no hope and mainly no treatment is effective in this stage....so go to the house back or to palliative treatment.Hearing this he said"Yes!Yes it is correct..you said the right thing."After that I planned to consult the doctor of onchology about euthanasia.If he approve it,considering the law behind it is the another factor!
At that time I am thinking about her far relatives who were standing beside her.....They also can make an end..?can do a crime?No,No I didn't allow them to do that.As human life is precious! Seeking other ways of treatment until death is the acceptable method.I ran towards the room...there were no one inside...I examined all life supportive equipments...Whether they remains in correct position or not?
She touched my hand a while..her breath slows down...eyes overflowed with tears...body and heart made a sudden contract...then relax...without mercy killing...She is now above all sufferings...death as wished...by not making others or herself be a sinner...this is a self willed death...I believe...leading to heaven..!
As she think about that old woman's death throughout the night and her version of readiness in ending a life and found out ways for that...eventhough asked by her as mercykilling... For removing the rest of the sin holding,the next day she gave food to some suffering people who were wandering there, whole heartedly...as food helps to retain energy in human body...energize for glowing a soul within it....to illuminate human life....it's existence!!!
Different from suicide which is a sin,if we got a boon of self willed death,we can't make use of it!!! As above all struggles and despairs everyone wants to be alive !Their fondness to someone and something make them alive!.The soul of life is vested in that...It will make you fascinating.....It will make you temptating.... extending till the end of the world....extending till the end of the earth!!!

© Uma.V.S