

A Letter I Will Never Send
Dear person I never stopped loving,

I waited for you.
you left me and I waited for a year. I wondered what I did wrong and I beat myself up for so long. I held onto you. I reread your letter. I looked at our pictures for hours. I never stopped thinking of you. I wondered what I did wrong, I wondered what made you leave.

I was ready to run away. I was ready to leave a class that made me so happy just because I was scared of facing you. I thought that we wouldn't talk. I thought I would be the quiet student who say to the side holding back tears as I watched you with all of your new friends. I thought you were going to ignore me.
I was ready to hate you. I was ready. I had thought about so many conversations that could happen. I thought about yelling at you, telling you how you hurt me. telling you how you made me hate myself. because the one person I never failed to remind how much I loved, didn't love me back. the person I had confronted and told about how I felt them drifting away, the person that said they weren't, left.
I didn't understand.

when new friends came along, even to this day, I was drowning in the thought that they didn't want me. that they would leave. and I was so sure that they would, because you did.

Every time something happened you were the person I wanted to tell. you were the person I wanted to be with but every time I talked myself out of texting you because I knew you wouldn't reply.

but then came the day when I had...