

Part 8
Chapter 27

I was panting from running with this mysterious stranger to the extraction point. We arrived to a car near a convenient store. A black Mercedes-Benz E63 AMG. I entered first and saw a blonde haired girl sitting in the drivers seat.
'Merylin?' She looked at me.
'Mei!' She shouted in excitement. As she was about to hug me from the driver's seat, a familiar sweet voice stopped her.
'Glad you made it safe Lady Misaki.' Miss Kamui said as she turned to look at me.
'Oh I believe you two haven't been introduced, that boy is Kazuto Ishin, his surname is written in the characters uncommon and heart. He is Merylin's older brother.'
'Its a pleasure to meet you Lady Misaki.' He kissed my hand and smiled. What a gentleman, but I still love Shiro.
'Why don't you guys share a surname?' There was silence in the car.
'Mine is a alias sweetie.' Merylin answered with a wink. They both really looked like siblings. Blonde hair.
Green eyes and bubbly personalities.
'What are we still waiting for?' Merylin asked.
'Shiro. He went to kill those mercenaries from the AOA. I'm surprised though, why would the AOA come after their own?' Kazuto asked with a concerned tone.
'Shiro is not registered under the AOA.' Miss Kamui continued, 'he's registered under no organisation. He works for me, so that's why it's easy to put out a broadcast to kill someone with no affiliation. Shiro entered the car. Everyone was startled but not Miss Kamui.
'Merylin, head for Ishinomaki Harbour, I have a meeting with an ally there.'
'Roger that.' Merylin started the engine and we took off.

Chapter 28

'Hello? Sir. They were killed. All seventeen of them. How shall we proceed?'
'Clean it up.'
'Will do sir.'
'What did I expect. Of course all those seventeen mercenaries cannot kill the Child Reaper. This only means that I have to do this differently. Chizuro might be a problem. So I have to conduct my own little army to get that girl and kill the Child Reaper. Time is wasting and if the Master gets impatient, Chizuro and I will live no longer.'
*Ring*. 'Speak of the devil.' He picked up the phone.
'My patients is wearing thin. How long shall I wait so I can have the key to those missiles?' his voice was ominous and calm.
'Not for long Master. I promise you. I will call you when we have the key to the missiles. However Master. We need the go ahead to do whatever is necessary, even destroying a city if we have to, in order to gain access to the key.'
'Do what you must. Just get me that key.' He dropped the call. The man reached for his pockets and took out a burner phone. Dialled a number and waited—no answer. 
'Arg!' I shall not fail World's End. I shall not fail the Master.