

egyptian mummy chapter 5
egyptian mummy chapter 5: insane ron
*after 1 day of hard work dr.makarios still thinking about why ron didn't come
and he think to talk with him to ask him"why ron didn't come?"he will ask him after work*
*after work*
dr.makarios:hi ron
ron: hi dr.makarios *answered with angry voice.
dr.makarios:why you don't come with the doctors to my home? and why you answered with angry voice? and why you treat me bad all the time?
ron:you want to know why beacuse i hate you are stupid doctor don't understand anything about tutankhmuan AND YOU DON'T COME TO HELP DR.HIMA ABOUT THE CURSE OR TO HELP AND MAKE SOMETHING TO WORLD YOU JUST CAME TO BE NEAR FROM DR.HIMA answered with shouting.
dr.makarios:what what do you mean (to be near from dr.hima)?
ron:yes you come to be near from dr.hima because you love her you are not an old friend you love her and want to be with her not more not because you want to decipher the curse or help the world.
dr.makarios:WHAT no ron all what you say is wrong i don't love dr.hima i came because i want to help the world because i saw it the offer of my life not because her i am just an friend not more.
ron: no you are a LIAR you love her and when you came you ruin our realtionship why you made this to me? you are so evil I HATE YOU.
dr.makarios: ron you are really have problems in your mind you are INSANE
she don't love you and you never had realtionship with her and you will never have it i am not saying that beacuse to make you understand.
*all this time dr.hima was hide and listening what they are saying*
dr.hima:ron is right i love him and when you came you ruinning our realtionship
go away i don't want to see your face again.
*when dr.hima came and talk dr.marina was listening and she was shocking from what dr.hima said*
dr.marina:what the heck?oh my god how this is happenning.
dr.hima:please go dr.marina to work and ron too and for you makarios go away don't try to call me or come to the mummy lab again i hate you you are a bad friend and stupid doctor.
*dr.makarios left without saying anything ans ron was so proud from himself so happy.

why ron was so proud from himslef ?
are dr.hima really love ron?
why dr.makarios didn't say anything while he supposed to say something?
this questions will be answered in the next chapters.

© wrote by julia ehab
to be continued.......