

Why Microprocessor?
People nay wonder,how could someone choose Microprocessor as his nomme de plume.Well,I realised in this space that I have the tag 8085 alongwith my name.8085 is also a famous microprocessor by Intel.A Microprocessor that processes commands and does wonders with them.
It may be a coincidence that I got the same number tagged with me out here.But it could spark off my imaginations to be a little chip in this printed circuit board of wonderful writers.I sincerely hope through my writings, I could process those micro sized feelings that are there in traces in all of us.Maybe it may seem an idiotic push over ,but yes I am still trying my level best to process those micro sized feelings within us.I am a microprocessor with a difference.I have a FLU(no not what you think!)but the Feeling Logical Unit instead of the Arithmetic Logic Unit in my heart.So folks just read me up,if you may please!Hopefully you will not be dissapponted!
© Avik Datta Gupta