

Treasure part 9
I opened the box to see two crowns, they had to be moved to get to the letter under them.
The crowns looked like designer jewelry, as if it was made for a Japanese movie. I lefted one of the crowns– and damn it was heavy– and felt the urge to place it on Shubaru's head. Dropping the crown next to me I take the letter, I feel someone place something on my head, when I open the letter.
Shuba had picked up the other crown and placed it on my head.
'What was happening?' I asked myself taking the crown of my head.
When I opened the letter, Shuba came closer expecting to translate the contents, but it was in English this time.

{DEAR AMELIA, the letter read.
My beautiful baby girl, if you are reading this I am dead. You would have gone your whole life –by now– thinking I died because of you, but that's not true. You see I would have died anyway because I was sick, but I told you this in my first letter. What I didn't tell you, is that I had a terminal illness past down through the generation... Baby girl you have this illness, because I developed the illness before I got pregnant with you. You can cure the illness, but I couldn't. Baby girl you have to go home to cure this illness. Your uncle will explain more about this,you need to ask him.
The real reason I wrote this letter is to tell you, you are a Princess. The princess of the Yamato clan from Japan royalty. Your Grandfather, Tsukuyomi Yamato, came to South Africa for work in 1965. He met and fell in love with Sandy Soony.
The Yamato clan were believed to be descendants of the Japanese Goddess of the sun.
Because the clan had rule that there children could not marry a (non royal). My father did not want to marry for status, he wanted to marry, his love. Tsukuyomi was forced to choose between his status as prince of Yamato and the woman he loved and he chose to be with the woman he loved. That, however meant that he would have to give up his duties and title, so he stayed in South Africa and made a life for himself and his family.
They got married in 1967 and had there son in the same year. I was born in 1970 with a disease no one knew anything about, and they could not take me back to Japan. My parents thought the disease was gone and everything was fine, I turned 42 when I developed the same disease again. The pair only had two children before Sandy died and Tsukuyomi shortly after. Your uncle and I where alone for 5 years, before he got married and then I did , to your father. There will be people coming to look for you, Amelia you must go home.
Take your rightful place. You have great things ahead of you.
Amelia Soo Yamato.}

I ran down stairs to find her uncle, and gave him the letter to read.
"What is this?" I asked.
"Why do you'll have this, Amy?" uncle asked, "This is .... Amy I think you should take a seat.

....to be continued!!

(disclaimer: I do not own the story for the Yamato clan. I researched that on Google.
I love Japanese culture so I had to add that in this story.
The story of the Japanese Goddess of the sun, is found on Google under Japanese mythology.
Part 10 to be updated by the and of the week)

© I.V.E.