

Standing inside the mall i am fighting with myself to not go inside and start to shop as i turn around i hear someone scream " sale sale " my mind and my body starts to resist me i am controlling my urge to not to go shopping . Again a shout appears " sale sale " i quickly turn around and run towards the shop and start to explore all the items. Aah! These items are so reasonable i say to myself .
Wow ! What a beautiful emerald green trench i dont have a green trench and i buy it . I go to other shops with sale and i buy them all.
Five shopping bags and an hour later after spending around 50000 rupees i am sitting in my living room wondering why did i buy so much stuff. What is the need for me to buy around 20 dresses and 15 pair of shoes . I am so cross at myself. I keep all the bags aside and i call my friend and i ask her to arrange a hall for me to Sell my clothes and my shoes.
I call all my friends and family to come and help me with it. We arrange 150 sundresses 60 gowns 40 tops and 60 pair of jeans that i did not need to keep with me . There were some scarfs some accesories as well . It took us five hours and all my things were sold and i earned around 400000 rupees that helped me to clear my debt and start a life with a new perspective and a fresh mind.