

Twilight's nightmare awake
Hi, uncle Bullfrog! Twilight said with a smile. How was your day? It was great tell I got here! What's that dog doing in my house?!! Kids get on the porch and sit down, I'm about to show you what happens when little dogs do wrong, and little kids too! Ray? Twilight whisper. Should I be scared? Yeah probably, I'm pretty scared Ray said with tears in his eyes. oh man Ray is crying, this can't be good. Uncle Bullfrog was yelling really bad mean word at the puppy. When he forcefully walk out with the puppy. I could see he was hold that poor puppy by the neck. Uncle Bullfrog please dont hurt her. Twilight cried. Dry them crybaby eyes! Dont forget this the next time you think of doing something bad. He laid the puppy's head on the porch and proceeded to pick up a brick and Beat the puppy in the head. No! Twilight screamed out! Daddy!!! Mommy and Daddy came running out the door. What's going on daddy said as he picked Twilight up and told the boys to go inside. Twilight baby I'm so sorry you had to see that. I wanna leave daddy, he hit that puppy and made it bleed everywhere daddy, Twilight was in a panic cry at this point. He handed her to mommy, come baby girl down. I'm going to go tell Bullfrog a thing or two. The scene door slammed as daddy went outside to confront uncle Bullfrog. I could hear daddy and uncle Bullfrog yelling back as and forth. Jo looked at Twilight and said, that's nothing compared to how mad Dad can get. Really? question Twilight. When mama was still alive, before she became I'll. He beat her so bad she could bearly walk for a week. " it's no wonder God took her home" Twilight thought. Twilight began to cry again. I'm so sorry. Why? you didnt do anything did ya? I dont blame mama for being happy about dying. I wish it was me instead of the dog. Jo yelled. Jo honey you dont mean that baby. Mommy said. ma'am with all due respect. you've only seen a piece of what we live most days, he is never nice. He blame us boys for mama dying. If its anyone's fault it's his. Shhhhh Dad is coming in. Ray said. Daddy and uncle Bullfrog both came in the living room, Daddy announced That uncle Bullfrog has something he wanted to say. Kids I'm sorry, I smashed that puppy head in, and killed it. Twilight look at daddy with surprise. I don't think daddy wanted him to say sorry quite like that, she thought. Uncle Bullfrog went on to say, Today was a crappy day at the mill. I let my anger get the best of me. I'll try to control it from now on, since there's a lady in the house. he smiled at mommy. Mommy turn her head in discuss. Then he walked off to his room. He wouldnt care if God was here, when he gets red, he dont care Jo said. Twilight just looked at Jo. At this point she was totally at a lost for words. Andy was still crying holding his mama's picture, that he kept in his shirt pocket most the time. Come on boys let me tuck you in, daddy said. Twilight! come give daddy a kiss and hug good night. Twilight raced to her daddy's arms. Daddy, are we going to move soon? I'm scared daddy. Yes, I'm going to work on getting us somewhere else to go. but things like that take time. And dont be scared, daddy would never let anybody hurt my baby girl. daddy said with a smile. Even though Twilight found it difficult to smile at the moment. she forced one for daddy. Good night babygirl sweet dreams. Go with mommy, she is going to tuck you in tonight. Okay Twilight said.
Mommy? Yes Twilight, mommy answered. I'm really sad for all of us, but especially the boys. what's going to happen to them when we leave? I dont know baby. Can't we take them with us? It's not that easy baby, we can't just take the mean man's kids. Why not Twilight said with force? Because they're his children. He could get us for kidnapping. He would only know they're missing, because he wouldn't have anyone to be mean to! Twilight honey its alot of grownup stuff to go through, and it takes time. You wanna leave here soon don't ya? Yeah but... Shhh baby lay down and try and get some sleep. And just like that! Mommy cut her off. Twilight thought.

Don't, I didnt do anything to cause this! Maybe you should wear bigger clothes..
Twilight jumped up! is that mommy crying and daddy yelling at her. What's happening? Twilight decided to take a closer look. She tiptoed toward her mommy's cries. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Mommy and daddy were in the car, the windows were foggy. but... she could see daddy holding something up to mommy's head. Is that a gun? God!!! please wake up! Please make my mommy and daddy stop fighting. God what's happening why are mommy and daddy yelling and crying? why does daddy have a gun. Mommy didnt do anything. Nobody did anything wrong. Uncle Bullfrog is a evil person, Sorry God but it's true. Did you see what he did to that poor puppy? God please please help my mommy and daddy not fight. I love both of them. in jesus name I pray Amen.
It was quite when Twilight finished her prayer. oh no I better get back to bed.
A few minutes later both her Mommy and Daddy came to bed. When Twilight was sure the fighting had ended. She whispered Thank you God. Goodnight!